Tuesday, December 31, 2013

South Beach Diet Phase One Recipes Round-Up for July 2012 (Low-Glycemic Recipes)

South Beach Diet friendly Grilled Lemon-Cumin Chicken with Charmoula Sauce
Kalyn's favorite Phase One Recipe for July 2012 was Grilled Lemon-Cumin Chicken with Charmoula Sauce

Everywhere I've gone lately people are talking about how July has gone screaming by, and now it's over!  I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels a sense of dread when the summer months are approaching the end, but now that I don't go back to school in the fall, I consider August and September to both be part of summer.  That gives you plenty of time left to try some of these tasty Phase One Recipes I've posted on Kalyn's Kitchen or found on other months during the month of July.  Summer foods are so easy to make diet-friendly, so I hope you enjoy some of these drool-worthy dishes while summer is still hanging on!

(You can use the label Low-Glycemic Recipe Round-Ups to see all the posts like this one.)
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