Saturday, December 28, 2013

Recipe for Lemony Green Beans (Green Beans with Lemon Juice and Lemon Zest)

Lemony Green Beans
Super easy and delicious Green Beans with Lemon Juice and Lemon Zest.
(For Phase One Fridays I highlight Phase One recipes from the past that have been my personal favorites.  Right now my garden is producing more green beans than I can keep up with, and these lemony green beans are one of my favorite ways to use them.)

If you have a garden that's producing green beans, I enthusiastically advise that you bookmark this recipe and make it over and over again. I didn't even have garden beans when I first tried the recipe, but I made it three times with the French green beans that come from Costco. In fact, the first time I made it, I ended up eating a whole pound of green beans myself and calling it lunch! Thanks to Cheap Healthy Good for inspiring me to buy Moosewood Restaurant Simple Suppers, which is where I found this idea for my new favorite way to cook green beans!

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