Wednesday, December 25, 2013


This was our best Halloween to date!  The kiddos were at the perfect age for trick-or-treating, they were totally in love with their costumes, they were fascinated by the spooky decorations...they were a complete delight!
For school, Smith's class had a Halloween breakfast he wore his Halloween jammies and house shoes.  Kensington's class had a traditional costume party, so she wore her unicorn costume.
And here they are on Halloween night ready to trick-or-treat!  A unicorn and Iron Man! 
{Side Note: Smith is really skinny and tall...thus the high-water make the muscles fit, the length had to be short...what's a mom to do??!!}


Off to trick-or-treat with their giant buckets!  Those babies held some major candy!


We stopped by one of our favorite babysitter's houses...Joanna was a surfer girl for Halloween!

This pic cracks me up...the man came to the door wearing a full werewolf costume...did it scare my kids away?  Nope.  My kids just backed up a few inches, braced each other and waited for their candy.  Note to self: my kids will go to any nasty looking werewolf stranger that has candy.

We met up with our sweet friends Maggie and Molly and trick-or-treated with them too!


Maggie the lion is precious!

Then Luke the lion joined the fun!  We loved spending time with our friends!

He's fierce people!

Sarah and Me :)

At home, we dumped out our loot and dug in!  Why is he eating the dum dum sucker instead of all of that chocolate?!?!

A very successful Halloween!  Boo!

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