Sunday, December 29, 2013

Um, soccer?

This was Kensington on Saturday morning before her first soccer game.  Uniform, check.  Soccer shoes, check.  Tall, ugly socks, check.  Purse, check.  The purse should have been our big warning sign for the game ahead...

With her daddy, Coach Andrew, walking into the indoor soccer field.  (Yes, Andrew Shull managed to put his daughter on a team where A/C is involved...this man requires A/C at all times!)

And this was Kensington during the game.  Standing at the glass with this huge, sad face begging to be removed from the field.  I was ignoring her in the stands.

Still standing there. 
Did she play.  Sort of.  Her daddy dragged her around the field after the ball (thank goodness the coaches are on the field or else another 4 year old would have had to drag her around).  She got her groove for about 30 seconds, kicked and dribbled the ball down the field and then collapsed into a big old girl crying mess.  Will we make her keep playing?  Absolutely!  She might not like soccer but she is following through with her commitment.  (However, her team is probably praying she quits!).
Kids.  They're such a mess sometimes!

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