Saturday, December 28, 2013

i-Phone Life

Some random i-Phone pics for your Thursday.  Did you know that Thursday is my favorite day of the week?  It is.  It has been since junior high...I just love me a Thursday.  It's like a mini-Friday...a start to my weekend :).
A cute girl...pjs and jewelry.  Mini me!

Happy and coloring while mommy makes dinner.

Such a cutie!

Some days, I kiss his face raw.  I just love kissin' on some Smith William!

I went to wake up K for school and found this...two peas in a pod, right?!

Showing off her awesome French shirt that Ms. Lori gave her for her birthday.  She loves a good dog shirt and a good French shirt...this one was tres magnifique!

Love these two!
Have a great mini-Friday!

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