Saturday, December 28, 2013

A girl in action!

We tried soccer again yesterday but this time, we brought along a little Missouri for support...
...PawPaw and Nanny came to cheer on the Gators.

They also brought their besties Patty and Stan.  These 4 are a hot mess!  They are fun and crazy all at one time :).

And this week, Kensington did so good!!!  We were so proud of her!  Unlike last week, she totally participated, ran like crazy, kicked the ball and cheered on her team.  A completely different kid.  That's her running (it was so hard for me to get good pics through the ropes!).

She's cheering on her friends and teammates!

Smith was super pumped to pose with Mommy...

3 of my favorite soccer moms...Erika, Sheaffer and Nikki
Fun times!  Thanks for coming Missouri family!!

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