Monday, December 30, 2013

Kalyn's Kitchen Picks: Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Stevia Packets

I've tried all kinds of stevia packets, and this is the only one I've been able to stick with.

This post has been a long time coming.  I think it was about 2006 that I was talking online with Karina and Susan about Stevia, trying to find a brand that would make me give up the little blue packets that I was pretty much addicted to in those days.  Through the years since then I've tried all different kinds of Stevia, and even recommended Stevia in the Raw Granulated Sweetener, which I love for baking.  This organic Stevia from Wholesome Sweeteners is the first kind of Stevia packets I've ever bought a second time, which I think is a pretty high recommendation!

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