Thursday, December 26, 2013

Belgium & Holland Day 8: Amsterdam Suburbs

Day 8 started out with a fabulous breakfast at our hotel.  We drank more cappuccinos and ate more food then this blog could possibly was unreal.  Everything was fabulous!  We headed out in our car to visit some of Amsterdam's suburbs.

First stop...the city of Delft!  Delft is famous because it's the home of Royal Delft, the blue and white pottery.  My mom is o-b-s-e-s-s-e-d with blue and white, so I knew I needed to go to the factory itself and find her a treasure (especially since she watched my kids for 10 days!).  (You can tell that it's cold out!  Look how bundled I am under my coat!)

Here I am with my treasures for my mama.  The factory was really, really was one of my favorite things we did.

After we left Delft, we drove to the city of Den Haag.  It was beautiful!

I told Andrew that this might have been one of the best moments of my life..first, we stopped for lunch outside under this covered patio with big heaters (so we were toasty warm), as soon as we sat down, it started raining (perfect timing for us to stop), the restaurant had Wi-Fi (so I could look at Pinterest...hey, I had spent 8 full days talking to Andrew non-stop...mama needed a moment to look at Pinterest!), their special that day was Pumpkin Soup (and well, let's face it, I'm obsessed with all-things pumpkin!) and as we sat down, they started playing a Michael Buble CD (hello!  I would leave Andrew in a nanosecond for him).  Really, the best day of my life is the day I touched Michael Buble the day my kids were born (I have to say that, right?) but this day was pretty darn close.  Happy moment!

We drove back to Amsterdam and finished our day with a walk to dinner...

...through the Red Light District.

This wasn't new to us.  We did what all good parents do and took our kids through there two years ago, but for some reason, I hadn't exactly remembered how gross it really is.

It's really unattractive, naked women standing in store windows waiting for people to come pay to have sex with them.  It's several blocks of this.  If you ever go to Amsterdam, you have to visit.  It's pretty comical in my opinion.  It's also a part of their culture and history, so you have to see it and experience it.  However, prepare yourself!  And bring a lot of anti-bacterial.  I don't know...just walking down the street made me want to wash my hands!

On a second note, right before dinner, my sweet hubby pulled out his map and he had marked on there my favorite little handbag store and told me we could go pick out something for my birthday (which is this Thursday).  Isn't that sweet?!  It wasn't the gift that I found so sweet, but it was the fact that he had thought about it beforehand and marked it on his map.  I'm a really blessed to girl to have met him...all thanks to my baby brother.

Click here for Days 9 and 10.

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