Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Win a Pass to the Sold-Out BlogHer 2010 Conference in New York City

and help my friend Jenny's sister at the same time.

I owe a lot to Jenny Lauck. I have a hard time talking (or writing) about Jenny because when I do, I begin to cry.

Jenny has been my constant cheerleader for almost 10 years. I met Jenny online before I had children on a parenting discussion board. I was running a child care center for homeless children and was doing research on the RIE Philosophy of child development. Through my googling, I discovered a marvelous circle of women, all of whom were mothers.

I asked (what I thought at the time) a pretty innocent question to this group: how do you know when you're ready to have kids?

Jenny replied almost immediately: you'll never have enough money or be truly ready, so just go for it.

Adam and I welcomed our first little girl within a year.

The first time we met Jenny in person, she was holding her 8-week old son. She shoved him in Adam's arms, and said "here, take him. you'll do fine." She then crooked her arm in mine and we went off in search of wine.

Jenny talked me through quitting my job, buying our first home, and 5 subsequent moves. She held my hand as I found a literary agent for my first book idea, and made me laugh as I read the mountain of reject letters that began pouring in.

she has always been there for me.

Jenny cracks me up, because when you've got a problem, or just want a friendly ear, she seems to intuitively know what side she should take. She knows when you need a devil's advocate. She knows when to talk you down from a frenzy, or when to rile you up. She knows when to take your side in a disagreement, and when to tell you that you're wrong.

she talked me into starting this blog.

She has always been there for me.


and now she needs my help, and the best way I can think of to help spread the word about the help she needs is to post her request here.
In doing so, you will have the opportunity to attend the best blogging conference in existence, surrounded by thousands of phenomenal women.

Please click over to read Jenny's plea.

Thank you for your help, patience, compassion, and understanding.

xoxo steph

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