Monday, November 25, 2013

Fifty Two Shades of Shay: Magazine Subscriptions

I love magazines.  Love, love, love them.  I get this from my mom.  My mom has always enjoyed reading...but particularly reading magazines.  To this day, she keeps a big stack next to her kitchen table so that she can read one while having her morning coffee (and her afternoon coffee too!).

The thing about magazine subscriptions is that the more you have, the cheaper other ones will be...and often, you get free subscriptions.  I have a lot of subscriptions (I'll list them below) but 7 of them, I don't pay for...I get them for free because I subscribe to the others.  Subscribing to a magazine is always cheaper than buying it off the stand...substantially less.  So, if you continue to read the same ones, you should just subscribe. 

I've realized that I enjoy reading the same topics: food, family, fashion and, I'll break them down for you:

My food subscriptions:
1. Southern Living
2. Kraft Food and Family
3. Celebrate
4. Paula Deen
5. Taste of Home

My family subscriptions:
1. Redbook
2. Good Housekeeping
3. Better Homes and Garden
4. Family Circle

My fashion subscriptions:
1. In Style
2. Glamour
3. Lucky
4. Marie Claire

My fitness subscriptions:
1. Self
2. Shape

Other subscriptions:
1. Travel & Leisure
2. Birchbox*
3. Traditional Home

I have some rules about my magazines...I learned a long time ago that if you don't have some ground rules for yourself, your magazines will get out of control!

1. If the next issue of the magazine arrives in the mail and you still haven't read the current issue, donate the other one right away...don't keep two copies!  If you didn't have time to read it that month, you won't have time to read it next month.  Always donate the oldest issue and move on.

2. I carry a magazine with me all the time.  You just never know when you'll need one (waiting for your kids in front of their school, waiting at the post office, waiting at the dentist, etc.).  I find there are a lot of pockets of time that I can spend reading instead of playing on my phone or just being bored.

3. I try and always give my magazines to other people when I'm done reading them.  My cousin gets my magazines, I leave them at my hairstylists' place, I leave them in waiting rooms at doctor/dentist offices, I drop them off at my gym...I try and always pass them on instead of just throwing them out.  But the bottom line is that I try not to keep them piling up in my house.

4. I used to keep my food magazines for a resource later...but then I just had a stack of magazines when I really only needed one or two recipes from each of them.  Now, I pull out pages as I'm reading and stick them in folders clearly marked "for the house", "exercises to try", "desserts", etc.  This is way more efficient than keeping a huge stack of magazines around.

5. Use old magazines for kids' projects.  Whenever I need a quick little project for my kiddos, I pull out a magazine.  The possibilities are really endless...we can go through and count things, find letters, find objects or people, we make collages, color funny faces...there is so much to do.  Old magazines are a lot cheaper than a new coloring book and a lot more creative too.

**I mentioned that I subscribe to Birchbox above.  Do you know what Birchbox is?  I read about this in a magazine (go figure) three years ago.  It's a company that sends you a little box of samples and full-sized items once a month in the mail.  For only $10, you get this great little gift each month for yourself.  Each month, you get at least one full-sized item (almost always worth over $10) and 5 to 6 other beauty samples.  I have scored so much fun stuff over the years that I still look forward to its arrival each month.  If you're into beauty and makeup, you should totally check Birchbox out!**

The Fifty Two Shades of Shay just wouldn't be complete without this post...I am a magazine junkie...that's just one shade of me :).

I'd love to hear your favorite magazines!  Leave me a comment...maybe I need another subscription :).

And don't forget to check out my foodie blog today...I have a new twist on an American classic...

Have a great day!

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