Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tennis, Tap and Ballet...oh my!

Yay!  It's Friday!  It's been a crazy week around here.  The kids were supposed to have had tennis camp all week from 8 to 9 am...well, it rained both Monday and Tuesday mornings, so even though we were up and dressed, we weren't able to play.  (Nothing like pulling your sleeping young children out of bed, sticking tennis clothes on them, driving them to tennis practice only to be told it's called off...all before 8 am...)  But then the weather cleared up and we were able to finish out the week.

Here is how we spent our rainy days...
We played games...

...and snuggled in Kensington's bed watching movies on the i-Touch.

We also went to Target.  Twice.  (Because even with a list...I always forget something!).

On Tuesday, Kensington had her first day of a combination tap and ballet class.  You might recall that we tried dance once before about 2 years ago...and were asked to leave after the 3rd lesson and refunded our money (the sobbing 2 year old might have been the problem...), but this time, she was ready!

Look at her in her black leotard and tights!

Learning how to tap!

Practicing ballet :)

She loved it all!  When we left, she told me she wanted to dance for the rest of her life.  (I said that too when I was 4 but then 15 years later, I specifically remember after my final performance, throwing all of my dance stuff into the Goodwill bin and eating a banana split...just sayin'...)

I love these little summer classes where the kids can try out a new sport or activity for a shorter amount of time instead of just committing them in September for a full 9 months of something.  That being said, along with dance, this was our week of tennis camp to see what my kiddos thought about that...

I begged bribed convinced suggested to Erika that her kids sign up for tennis camp too.  Here they all are, rackets in hand, marching out to the tennis courts at 7:45 am.  (We are crazy people!)

Don't they look like a fierce group of 3 and 4 year olds?!  Prayers for their coach were being said at that very moment!

At first they had to run laps...

...and then some basic drills...

...and finally net practice.  

I'm not sure we have any US Open hopefuls in our bunch but they had a great time all week!  And I love getting my kids exercising and enjoying outside activity (hopefully, that enthusiasm will stay with them for life!).

After tennis on Wednesday, we did this...

Summer fun!  Now, mama needs a nap!


Don't forget, it's Sheaffer's turn to show you what she tried on, loved and bought when we went shopping!  Click here to see her shopping experience and click here to revisit mine from last Friday!  The Shopping with Sheaffer and Shay fun continues!

One last thing...you should totally check out my friend Cassie's blog post about how Google Reader is leaving us July 1!  If you've missed this memo...you need to know.  This is why, you've been seeing this...

Follow on Bloglovin

...on the bottom of my posts.  This is what you need to start doing to follow your favorite blogs once Google Reader is gone.  Click here to read Cassie's post.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!

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