Monday, November 25, 2013

Fabulous Friday!

Yay!  It's Friday!  I'm super excited about it!!

I just have some random things that I think are pretty fabulous this Friday...

First and foremost...snow cones.  My kids love orange...which I don't understand.  There are approximately 6,857 choices at our snow cone stand and they always get boring old tastes like Triaminic orange!

This summer, we've been visiting our construction site (where our new house is going up) and then hitting either Sonic or the snow cone stand when we're done.

See those crazy kids with the orange?  My personal favorite...cotton candy.  Don't judge.  It's realllly good!

I'll be going out of town soon (not going to tell you where just yet!)...and look what my sweet hubby bought me for my trip!  The first 3 seasons of Frasier :).  That's true love right there!  (It's also almost 10 years of marriage experience too!)

And holy moly!  I'm obsessed with Erin Condren planners now!  I have been buying the same brand of planner since I was 17 (that's 14 years of planners!) but have recently fallen in love with these instead.  I always keep an academic planner (August through July) rather than a traditional January to December planner (because in my head, the year will always begin when school starts...), and these are PERFECTION.  I cannot wait until mine arrives and I can show you the finished product!!

And everyone is having their big July 4th sales right now!  Look at Gap!  I love all this discounted goodness.  All of the shorts I mentioned last week...40% off now!  Click here to see everything (even kids' stuff is on sale too!).

And hurry, hurry, hurry!  Every single item at Loft is 50% off until 10 AM EST today! (IT'S BEEN EXTENDED!  GO SHOP!) 

Don't forget, this Monday is our Pin-spired Linky Party!!  I can't wait to see how you are going to be Pin-spired this month!

Dinner tonight...a Spicy Shrimp Pasta.  Simple, flavorful and light for a summer supper.  Fabulous!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!!  Lots of love!

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