Sunday, November 24, 2013

Favorite: Cities to Visit

I'm still off enjoying a little downtime...but the blog continues.  Here is another one of my favorites...

I get asked a lot as a travel agent what are my favorite cities to visit.  So today, I'm going to tell you :).

First, my favorite American cities to visit and then my favorite non-American cities.

New York City
Do I really need to explain?  The culture, the shopping, the food, the museums, the sports, the theater...New York City has all of that and so much more.  If you're looking for a place to visit in the US and you haven't been to the Big Apple, I suggest it first.  You will not be disappointed!

And not just because it's the home to my Red Sox :).  Boston is a wonderful city to visit.  There is so much history...wonderful food, great shopping, beautiful fall foliage, an easy subway system, Harvard, MIT, the JFK museum...I could go on and on.  Boston will welcome you with open's just a friendly place to visit.

To me, Chicago is the friendliest big city.  It is a big city with all of the big city perks but it really has a small town, laid back attitude.  Andrew and I first started visiting Chicago when we lived in Detroit (because it was only a 3 hour drive from home), and we instantly fell in love. Chicago is one of our very favorite cities to visit. Make sure you check out Little Italy and of course, shop on Michigan Avenue (and you should probably visit Wrigley Field too!).

Kansas City
Bet you didn't think I was going to say this town!  Kansas City isn't fancy or splashy...but it is a hidden gem in the Midwest   We have spent a lot of time in KC for various reasons (Andrew's family lived there for many years, Andrew played football at Kansas State and that was a fancy date night for us back in college, etc.), and this city never disappoints.  The shopping on the Plaza is fabulous, the BBQ is out of this world (my favorite place is Jack Stack), and it's just a really pretty town with a lot of history.  I always enjoy a trip to KC.  If you're looking for a fun Midwest city, this would be my recommendation.

Las Vegas
I love Las Vegas.  Does this surprise you?  Here's the thing about took me a few trips out there to figure it out for myself.  I don't stay up past 10 pm, I don't gamble (because the entire time, I think to myself..."I could spend that same amount of money at Gap and buy _____".), I don't like loud, drunk people...I guess you would say I'm not your typical Vegas gal.  However, I do love gorgeous hotels, I am obsessed with yummy food, I adore going to a great show and I consider myself a master shopper...all things  Vegas.  When I get to Vegas, check into my fabulous hotel, book my dinner reservations at some place new and delicious, get me a few tickets to some shows (hello Cirque!) and hit the shopping...I'm in heaven.  Vegas isn't all about the gambling (but hey, if that's what you're in to, then you'll realllllly love Vegas!).  Vegas can be what you want it to be.

My favorite cities outside the US...

You knew this would be on my list, right? I love London.  I don't really know why...I can't exactly explain it...but I love it so much.  Maybe it's the friendly people...the weather (this Texas girl likes a little cloud cover and drizzle some days), the shopping on Portobello Road, Speakers' Corner, fish and chips, the royals, the bridges, the double-decker buses, the tube...whatever it is, it's in my soul.  If you haven't been to London, I highly recommend it.  I went for the first time as a young girl and continue to go back again and again.  I love this city so much, that I wanted my kids to have names that reflect it.  I might live in Dallas but my heart belongs in London.

Vienna, Austria is an amazing European city that I don't think gets enough credit.  When people contact me about traveling to Europe, they always say the same three cities (London, Paris and Rome)...and while those are wonderful cities, Vienna has a charm about it that's unmistakable.  The food (similar to German food), the history, the museums  the cleanliness, the beautiful parks, the shopping, the proximity to other great European spots...Vienna is the perfect spot to visit if you're heading east.

Oh, how I wish I were in Bruges right this minute.  Bruges, Belgium is spectacular   The chocolate, the waffles, the shops, the quaint streets, the cafes...Belgium is a little piece of Europe that is gorgeous...and Bruges stands out to me as the brightest spot.

I know you might have heard of the Bellagio Hotel in Vegas...but did you know it is based on an actual city in Italy?  This little town in northern Italy is situated on Lake's small with little hills and a lake has wonderful food and magnificent shopping.  If you're headed to Italy, Bellagio is the perfect place to visit.

I love Hamilton,'s my favorite island town.  Many islands have great resorts but not much off the resort area...Bermuda is not like that.  Situated east of the United States (not in the Caribbean), Bermuda is a lovely little island with the prettiest beaches I've ever seen in my life (and I've seen a lot of beaches!).  The water is crystal clear, the towns are clean and pristine, the food is delicious, there are a plethora of outdoor activities to participate's the perfect place for a tropical vacation.

Andrew and I often say Bern, Switzerland was our favorite vacation.  When you think of think of Bern.  It's so stereotypical Swiss but in a delightful way.  The views, the river, the little cobblestone streets, the food, the shopping, the clocks, the history...I really have nothing bad to say about this little bit of the world.

I studied French in school for 6 years...I have been fascinated by the language and culture for a long, long time.  When you think of France, most people automatically think of Paris...which is lovely and wonderful but it's not the only place to visit in France.  Nestled just a few hours away is the wonderful city of Honfleur.  The first time I went there I was 14.  It's charming, it's quaint, it's easy to'll want to grab a baguette and latte and sit awhile there.  The hustle and bustle of Paris is enticing but there is something peaceful and romantic about Honfleur.

This is not where my list ends...I do love so many other places.  But for now...these are my top favorite cities.

 And don't forget to check out my foodie blog this week...I'm cookin' up more fabulous Vegetarian options for you and your family.

Today is the last day to use my 15% off Gooseberry Patch Cookbook promo code!  Click here to check it out!

Have a wonderful day!

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