Thursday, November 21, 2013

Spinach and Basil Pesto Recipe (and Ten More Interesting Pesto Variations)

Spinach and Basil Pesto
In early summer, make this Spinach and Basil Pesto to stretch out your basil!

(Updated with better photos and step-by-step directions June 2013.)  One of my favorite things about having a garden is Pesto,  something I make many times every summer.  Pesto is a great way to use and preserve huge bunches of basil, but this Spinach and Basil Pesto is something I make early in the summer when my basil is just starting to come on.  (Later when I have a surplus of basil, I freeze some of the fresh basil for winter and make some into Basil Pesto with Lemon, which I also freeze.)  This double green pesto is delicious on grilled or sauteed vegetables, grilled chicken, fish, or pasta.  Of course, there are as many ways to make pesto as there are cooks who make it; check the list after the recipe to see some of the interesting pesto variations other bloggers have created.

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