Monday, November 4, 2013

South Beach Diet Phase One Recipes Round-Up for October 2013 (Low-Glycemic Recipes)

Kalyn's favorite Phase One Recipes for October 2013 were Greek Salad Spaghetti Squash BowlSlow Cooker Chickpea Stew, Chicken Paprikash, and Turkey and Black Bean Mexican Cabbage Bowl.

It's time for the monthly Round-Up of South Beach Diet Phase One Recipes that I've posted during the previous month or spotted on other food blogs.  You can tell it's Fall by scrolling through these recipes; I spotted lots more soups and not many salads, and cauliflower seems to be Veggie of the Month for October.  I doubt many people start a diet in November, so I hope it doesn't seem cruel to draw attention to Phase One when everyone's thinking about Thanksgiving Recipes.  But in January when you're looking for food that's a bit lighter and lower in carbs, you might enjoy looking back through my Low-Glycemic Recipe Round-Ups like this one! (And for those who try to stick to a low-glycemic eating plan even during the holidays, more power to you!  I do my best, but it's hard this time of year.)

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