Wednesday, November 6, 2013

#shayeveryday2013 Week 44

Week 44 is complete!  Can you believe we're on Week 44?!?!  November is going to fly by...I can just tell.
Day 302: After school Starbucks run!  I love these two (and I love Starbucks!).

Day 303: My Boston Red Sox won the World Series!!!  (This might go down as my favorite day of 2013!) (Let's face it...what's going to top this?  This will go down as my favorite day of 2013!)

Day 304: Happy Halloween!!

Day 305: My first red cup of the season!  (And yes, a rare moment when my nails aren't painted.  It lasted 8 hours.)

Day 306: Happy Saturday!

Day 307: After church, I came home and put my comfy pants on, brewed some coffee, turned on Christmas music and wrote Christmas recipes.  Tis the season!

Day 308: Narci, Erika and I loaded our kids up and drove to the Dallas the time we arrived, it was raining too hard to go in.  We decided to head to the Galleria instead.  With 6 kids in tow, it still felt like a zoo.

Keep up with me every day on Instagram @mixandmatchmama or find me here too...

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And a few bonus pics for your Thursday...

Best friends.  And such sweet boys.  Most of the time.

I love my girl :)

Red cup squared...she loves Peppermint Hot Chocolate!

And don't forget to check out dinner tonight...'s an easy Pizza Casserole!

And I know we've been talking about this all week...but if you still haven't finished your Gap shopping, everything is 30% off right now..

Here is what everyone has been emailing me about...
You girls are flipping out over this top right here!  (Seriously...I have had more emails about this top than anything else I've blogged about in a month!)  And they've restocked it in all 5 colors!

You ladies are also smitten over these scarves...the world's softest.  Ever.

Happy Thursday!  See you tomorrow!!

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