Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Our Halloween!

Last Thursday, we had THE BEST Halloween!!  Our day was full of fun, candy, family and more candy!  The kids' day started off with them heading off to school.  They each wore their Halloween costumes from last year (because I didn't want to risk them getting anything on their costumes from this year!), and then had their Halloween parties at the end of the day.  Andrew and I were both able to attend the parties this year and just loved every minute of it!

We left school and headed straight to Lovie and Papa Jay's house.  I had my Pumpkin Spice Latte and the kids feel asleep the minute we got in the was a great little car trip!  They needed a power nap before trick or treating, and I needed caffeine!

Of course, Lovie went all out with the Halloween decorations this year (cobwebs and all!), bought the kiddos Halloween coloring books while we waited for trick or treating, and I hung out with the funniest saddest scariest silliest clown I know :).

My little witch and Iron Man all set to trick or treat!  This was by far my favorite year!!  These two were precious together going door to door!

We had so much fun watching them!  

I love this little witch!

These kiddos were off and running for their candy!

I just soaked it all in.  They won't be this young forever.  They're my heart.

How many adults does it take to watch my kids trick or treat?  Apparently, eight.

After we got home, we surveyed the damage.  Thankfully, the kids had two Heath Bars (my favorite)...because really, the most important part of Halloween is stealing your kids' candy, right?

I hope you had a wonderful Halloween too!

And on the foodie blog today... love of Joe.  You better go check it out!

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