Thursday, November 7, 2013

#shayeveryday2013 Week 43

Day 295: New phone, new case, new series.  And yes, that's the taupe fringe scarf :).

Day 296: I love this sweet boy

Day 297: Vanilla Bean Noel came to my door!!  It's not sold in stores until November but it's available online right now.  For more on my love of this fabulous scent, check out my posts on it here and here, and my bundt cake recipe named after it, here.  I totally have an obsessive personality (I realize that) and this lotion, doesn't help matters.

Day 298: Happy Birthday to Me!  The best gift wasn't the box or the card but spending the entire day with those two :).

Day 299: My sweet parents hosted my birthday dinner at their house.

Day 300: Socks, check. Pajama pants, check. Shirt, check. Game 4, check. Win, check.

Day 301: It was costume day at my little unicorn was all set to go!  And for a bonus pic on this day...

...a unicorn doing gymnastics :).

Keep up with me every day on Instagram @mixandmatchmama or find me here too...

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Dinner tonight is a simple little casserole that will make your whole family happy...

Have a great Wednesday!

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