Saturday, November 16, 2013

More Give-Aways! The Tassimo Hot Beverage System and the Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook

Good morning!

When I said I had more stuff to give away, I wasn't kidding.

I'm happy to share that I have two new review posts over at Totally Together Reviews.

The first is for a Tassimo Hot Beverage System---you can make a perfect coffee house drink in the comfort of your home or office whenever you'd like.

and what do you need with coffee?


I have never tasted better pastries than those made with almond flour. I have 2 copies of Elana Amsterdam's The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook to give away over at Totally Together Reviews.

It's not too late for last-minute shopping or gift-making, either. How about:

Holiday Gifts to Support Bloggers
Roasted and Spiced Nuts
Peanut Clusters
Peanut (not brittle) Candy
Glycerin Soap
Recycled Candles
Salt Dough Ornaments
Apple Butter
Shrinky Dink Crafts
Playdough (fun gift for small kids---wrap in a cellophane bag, and tie on a cookie cutter)

have fun, good luck, and thank you for entering the contests! (not here---you need to click over to Totally Together Reviews. Comments left here are NOT counted.)

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