Sunday, November 10, 2013

#shayeveryday2013 Weeks 39 & 40

Because we were out of town last week, I didn't do my Shay Every Day post, which means this week, you get a double-dose!

Day 267: Just keepin' it real.

Day 268: One of these days, I'm going to miss walking down the hall and seeing things like this. 

Day 269: The day my 3 year old asked if he could watch Fraiser before school.  He watched two episodes. :)

Day 270: We arrived in New York City!

Day 271: The perfect NYC night :).

Day 272: Buble's concert in Brooklyn!

Day 273: Back home with my loves!

Day 274: Happy October 1st to you!

Day 275: Just a Wednesday :)

Day 276: She said, "Mommy, can we take our picture together?".  Of course!

Day 277: Lunch at the mall with my two favorite people!  We did a little lookin' and ate some Chick-fil-a together :).

Day 278: Oktoberfest with my family!

Day 279: We had a neighborhood block party that evening with BBQ and bounce houses!  My kids had so much fun!!

Day 280: My view from me standing on top of my bed because at that very moment, Andrew was trying to catch a rat.

Yes.  A rat.

Was in my house.

It actually came running out from underneath the couch that Smith was sitting on.

I'm still shaking.

Feel free to call me a wimp.  I don't care.

I had been upstairs folding laundry when I heard Andrew start saying there was a "mouse" (after it was caught, we got a first-hand view that it was actually a rat), and so, I did what any normal girl would do...I jumped on top of my bed.  After about 5 minutes, I realized that Day 280 would always be remembered as the day we found a rat in our house, so my phone was lying on the bed next to the laundry and I snapped a pic of my view of the floor...just keepin' it real at the Shull house.

Andrew did catch it, the exterminator was called, and yes, I'm still shaking.

If you're following me on Instagram then you know...the rat has friends.  They're in my attic...and my pantry.  It's been an awful week.  But slowly but surely, we're eliminating them one at a time.

Pray for me.


Keep up with me every day on Instagram @mixandmatchmama or find me here too...

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Find me on Pinterest here.

Don't forget, today is the last day for my Rodan + Fields giveaway!  Click here to enter a chance to win!

Dinner tonight is Mexican Chicken Chili...

...slow cooker perfection!

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