Sunday, November 3, 2013

#shayeveryday2013 Week 47

Day 323: All of us were wishing you a Happy Tuesday! (They never go anywhere alone...little "friends" always come with us!)

Day 324: We spent a rare day at home in our pjs!  Kensington helped me whip up some pancakes for Mix and Match Mama...recipe to come...

Day 325: We loaded up for our road trip to K-State!

Day 326: Andrew and his babies on the K-State field :).

Day 327: The kids' first K-State game!  And they got to meet Willie the Wildcat!

Day 328: There's no place like home.  Me and my Peppermint Mocha Latte with Candy Cane Marshmallows (recipe on Mix and Match Mama TODAY!).

Day 329: I love spending the day with these two crazies :).

Keep up with me every day on Instagram @mixandmatchmama or find me here too...

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Everyone stay warm today and be safe traveling!  I'm still blogging the rest of the week...check back every day for fun!

And starting Monday...prepare's going to be spectacular...

...we're talking E-P-I-C.  Us crazy gals started planning this in's time girls.  Go ahead and get excited...


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