Saturday, November 23, 2013

#shayeveryday2013 Week 27

I'm baaaaaack!  And I've missed you all!!  Last night at 9:00, Andrew and I stumbled through the door after 23 hours of traveling home from a fabulous vacation.  We had the very best time but we were soooooo excited to see our kiddos!! Kensington teared up at the airport when she saw me and when I asked her what was wrong, she said she was just so happy to see me.  I think that's the very first time she's teared up over sheer happiness.  It's good to get away but it's even better to be home.  And yes....I have loads of pics coming your way over the next few'll feel like you were with me!

But for now...let's pick up where we left Shay Everyday Pics...

Day 183: Headed to of us is wearing tap shoes and one of us is wearing wedges.  You decide...

Day 184: Best friends for life :)

Day 185: 10 years ago today, I met this guy.  It was July 4, 2003...18 months later, we were married.  On this day, we were headed to a pool party.  And yes, he loves the Heat.  
 He's a Yankee and a Heat fan...I know some of you are so offended ;).

Day 186: Ohhhh!  We're having a good time!

Day 187: Goodbye USA!

Day 188: We arrived in Barcelona, Spain!  Here we are at La Sagrada Familia.

Day 189: We spent the morning touring the Picasso Museum.  Random fact...Picasso was born on October 25, 1881...and I was born exactly 100 years later on October 25, 1981.

I'm so glad to be home with you guys!!  Don't forget, head on over to Mix and Match Mama today where I'm revealing my 2nd favorite bundt cake of all time...and it's a gooooood one for this time of year!!

And I'm assuming Sheaffer has her Bachelorette recap up...and since I haven't watched in 2 weeks, I'm going to need to head there now and see what she says...I know it will be flippin' hilarious!

Love you all!

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