Saturday, November 9, 2013

Shay's Pajama Party: October with Andrea!

It's time for another Pajama Party with me and a fabulous co-host.  This month is all about Halloween (food, crafts, decorations, and more!), I had to pick the perfect co-host!

It's Andrea from Never Say Never (her family blog) and Slightly Askew Designs (her design blog).

A little background on Andrea...first and foremost, she is one of my very best friends.  She is this super energized mom of three kiddos, teaches junior high math (yuck!) during the day and has a creative and fabulous design blog that she does at night and on the weekends.  She is the creative force behind every single thing I do.  My blog designs, Andrea.  All of my graphics, Andrea.  My Christmas cards, Andrea.  Every birthday or party invite, Andrea.  My stationary, Andrea.  She is pretty much my full-time employee (on top of those other jobs she has!). are a few other facts about Andrea that you just might not know...
1. Her son Luke is marrying Kensington.  They discuss it all the time.  They act like it isn't even a big deal.  They've already named their future poodle together.  It's hilarious!

2. She is the BEST person when it comes to layering style!  The very best.  Andrea is layered to perfection whether it's January or July...this chick can layer by the pool people!  She's a layering genius!

3. When she's pregnant, she's super fiesty.  Watch out!  You do not mess with fiesty Andrea!

4. She is the only other person I know that pretends it's fall with me during the summer.  On a really hot and miserable day, we will both sit at home in the A/C with our sweats on, our fall candles lit, me drinking coffee and her drinking tea, pretending it's really fall outside (and not 110 degrees!).

5. She is the Queen of Halloween!

And because of Fact #5, she is the PERFECT co-host this month!

Take a look at Andrea's family in Halloween costumes past...
She doesn't just dress up her way!  Andrea and her sweet husband Dave dress up too.  They've been everything from a family of hot dogs, burgers and condiments to the Wizard of Oz cast (I mean, seriously...look at what a trooper Dave is?!?!).  They go over the top!

And look at these sweet Halloween pics from when our kiddos were babies.  Look how little Kensington is in both pictures!!  (And yes, that's Ebby Lee in the second picture standing next to Luke!).

And here are a few pics from the Shull family's previous Halloweens.

So, we're in our pjs, hanging out and talking's what we're saying...

What are our kids going to be for Halloween this year?
Me: Kensington is going to be a witch (because she basically just wants to walk around with a broom) and Smith is going to be Iron Man.  Again.

Andrea: We're going to be a family of bees.

(This is why you don't even try and compete with kids are a random mess and her entire family is going to be dressed as bees!)

When I press her for more family costume ideas, Andrea turns to Pinterest for some inspiration...

...seriously, what did we do before Pinterest???

What are our favorite Halloween traditions with our families?
Me: I love making Halloween treats with my kids in the kitchen and then taking them trick or treating around our neighborhood!

Andrea: I love it all!  Love decorating, dressing up, trick-or-treating, etc. But I think my favorite tradition is our Bible Fellowship group’s harvest party.  I love seeing the kiddos in their costumes, getting to hang out with all my besties and of course, getting to sample AMAZING crock pot soups and chilis.

Do we eat dinner before or after trick or treating?
Me: We always eat either chili or soup before we head out...and then we come back and fill up on candy!

Andrea: We usually get home from school, play for a while and eat dinner.  After dinner, we get dressed and ready to trick-or-treat!

What are some Halloween traditions you have with your family?
Me: The kids get their Halloween pjs each year on the day we decorate the house for fall (end of August).  They wear those jammies every night :).  We also eat off of Pottery Barn's cute little Halloween plates, we carve pumpkins, we take walks at night and look at everyone's Jack-o-lanterns and we make lots of yummy treats.

Andrea: Throughout October we carve pumpkins, do Halloween crafts, eat on our special Halloween plates all month, and visit the pumpkin patch.  On Halloween morning, I usually do something fun for breakfast like chocolate chip pancakes and after trick-or-treating we watch The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.

Now...let's talk about Halloween parties...Andrea is the Queen Bee (pun intended) of Halloween parties!  Take a look at a party she hosted two years ago...

...every little detail is perfect!  To see the entire post, click here and here..

I asked Andrea how she decorated her house for Halloween and she said, "over the top!".  Yup.  She even has a black Christmas tree with Halloween ornaments...

...her house is so fun and decked out but not too scary or gory.  To see her entire house decorated for Halloween, click here.  (And to see my house decorated for fall, click here.)

And of course, it wouldn't be one of my pj parties if we didn't talk about food!  

Good food makes a Halloween party!  Here are some of our favorite treats to go along with your tricks...

Andrea's Mini Pumpkin Cream Pies are so yummy!  I have been known to eat them for breakfast!

My little Oreo Pumpkins are simple to whip up and super festive for Halloween!

And if you're looking for something savory to eat before you set out, check out these two recipes....

Andrea's Pulled Pork is the perfect slow cooker supper to enjoy prior to trick or treating!

And my Mexican Chicken Chili will warm you up before you head out too :).

Now, at every Pajama Party, I ask my co-host the same set of questions.  To see how Kelly answered these questions last month, click here.  These are Andrea's answers...

1. What is your favorite cosmetic?
I am SUPER low maintenance. I didn't wear ANY makeup until college (GASP!) and then it was mainly just mascara.  My very favorite cosmetic (and I’m not even sure if this qualifies) is Burts Bees Lip Shimmer.  It has enough color (for me at least), feels great and looks fantastic with a gloss over top. 

2. What is your favorite beauty product?
I am going to seem like a TOTAL dweeb when I actually type this, but I LOVE Noxema face wash.  I use it every night and I love the smell, feel, tingle – everything.  

3. What is your favorite TV show?
I watch way too much TV and I watch all kinds of stuff.  I’m a big fan of the Real Housewives (of anything!), love The Amazing Race and look forward to Scandal every week.  I “may” also be counting down the days until the return of Downton Abbey.

4. What is your favorite vacation destination?
I LOVE cold weather destinations.  I think my favorite vacation of all time was Banff, Alberta… but a close second was when we went to The Homestead when I was pregnant with Mason.

5. What is your favorite pair of shoes?
  I have a thing for boots (cowboy boots, Hunter Wellies, Uggs, etc.) and my current favorite boot are by BedStu Cobblers.

6. What is your favorite nail polish?
This changes almost weekly, but right now my favorite is Fall Mood by Revlon.  It’s sparkly and goes well with the scarves and boots I’m starting to pull out of the closet.

7. What is your favorite chick-flick movie?
This is a tie between Father of the Bride and My Best Friends Wedding… oh, and Bridget Jones Diary J

8. What is your favorite book?
This may come as a surprise (Shay says I’m quirky – hahaha), but I love historical fiction by Ken Follett. Pillars of the Earth and World Without were AMAZING, I read Fall of Giants last fall and am currently in the middle of Winter of the World.  His books are BEASTS (like 900+ pages), but are sooooooooo well written.

9. What is your favorite ice cream?
The mint chocolate chunk from Ben and Jerrys.

10. Who would star in a movie about your life?
I’ve been told (by pretty much every middle schooler I teach) that I look like Carly Rae Jepsen… so, based on looks, I guess it would have to be her.  The other one I get a lot is Zooey Deschanel.  Pretty much anyone with long dark hair and bangs J

11. What is your least favorite household chore?
Hands down – putting away laundry.  I will wash, dry and fold clothes all day long… but I DESPISE putting them away.

12. What is one quirky fact that most people don't know about you?
This is a hard one because I’m a pretty open book about my “quirkiness”… but you might not know that in Middle School I was on a “Battle of the Books” team.  We had to read this long list of books and then compete against other teams to answer questions (and name the authors) about the books on the list.  It was super intense and competitive and we won the championship battle.  I looked for a picture of me wearing my oversized battle of the books t-shirt with the knot on the side and AWESOME glow in the dark glitter retainer holding our book trophy, but I couldn’t find one.  You’ll have to just trust me that it was amazing. J

It was Andrea many, many, many years ago that convinced me to buy a pair of Ugg Boots.  She told me over and over again that they were classic and would last a lifetime.  I bought them, I wore them, I love them.  Every time, I slip my feet into those cozy boots, I think of Andrea.  

If you've never slipped into an Ugg just don't know what you're missing.  To see these (and more) click here.

And since Andrea is such an awesome gal, she is giving away a fabulous prize on behalf of me and our other favorite friend Sheaffer...

That's right!  Two lucky winners will receive one set each of 50 double-sided Christmas cards!  This is a HUGE prize!!!  Sheaffer and I are obsessed with her Christmas card designs and want you to have some too!  Just look...

 She does my cards every year!

(That's my parents' house!)

Her beautiful family (which now includes sweet Griffin Joy!).

And Erika's family (which now includes my little Bowen!).

Thank you sweet Andrea for being one of my very best friends!  I am so blessed by your creativity, your kindness, your sense of humor and the fact that you are always there for me.  I can't wait for our kiddos to marry and then we'll be family forever.  XOXO

You can find Andrea here:
On Instagram @andrea2220

Next month, I cozy up in my jammies to talk Thanksgiving with my favorite blue eyed bride...

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