Friday, November 1, 2013

Recipe for Easy Brussels Sprouts Gratin with Swiss and Parmesan

Recipe for Easy Brussels Sprouts Gratin with Swiss and Parmesan
This Easy Brussels Sprouts Gratin with Swiss and Parmesan is a bit of a splurge, but it's perfect for Thanksgiving!

For weeks now I've been sharing Thanksgiving Recipes to give my readers plenty of healthy Thanksgiving options.  I like getting started early, but now I've already posted my Top Ten Thanksgiving Recipes and yet there's no doubt this Easy Brussels Sprouts Gratin with Swiss and Parmesan would have made it on to that list if I'd tested the recipe sooner.  But even so, it's the weekend before Thanksgiving, and this recipe is just too amazing to save for another year.  These delicious brussels sprouts are the siblings of several other easy vegetable gratin recipes I've made through the years, and any of those recipes can be assembled earlier in the day and then put in the oven to finish cooking while you carve the turkey and make the gravy. And I tested this out on my gorgeous niece Alyson who stopped by to pick up some soup, and she gave it an enthusiastic two thumbs up!

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