Sunday, November 17, 2013

Pictures! Pictures! Pictures! And a Guest Post!

First of all, if you missed Andrew's post from Saturday about his feelings on adoption and how the Lord worked on his heart, I recommend you click here.  His story is amazing!

And today, I'm sharing my infertility story over at a wonderful new blog called Due in Time.  This is a wonderful blog for those who are struggling to get pregnant or have a heart for infertility.  You will be blessed by the open and honest feedback from the blog's writer Caroline and her journey to get pregnant.  I'm praying for you Caroline!

And now for some randomness that defines my every day life...

We love, love, love our town.  Money Magazine named our town the second best city in the United States to live in.  That's pretty cool.  My kids think it's pretty cool because there is this awesome candy store with giant lollipops downtown :).  On this day, we headed to the square to eat lunch and celebrate Narci's birthday!

Every other Thursday, I get the boys while Erika takes the girls to gymnastics (and then I take the girls on the opposite weeks).  I love having these boys in my house!  They are so fun and so sweet!  And yes, Bowen looks a little frightened but wouldn't you be if your life was in the hands of these two 3 year olds???

Last Saturday, we ran some errands and my dad got stuck in my third row.  And then I bought a mirror...
My poor dad.

I was cleaning up after dinner the other night, and this is what I saw out my hubby sitting out back watching my kiddos play in their little pool :).  You might think, why weren't you sitting out there too?  Because it was 105, so I chose to stay inside where it was cool and clean up while watching the Red Sox game at the same time.  They were sweet to look at sitting out there...but mama was quite happy inside staying cool!

Sweet Presley had her birthday at this fabulous little dress-up store that my friends and I are obsessed with!  Kensington had the very best time!

Look at that glitter!

The girls even got a manicure!

All of the pretty princesses!

On Tuesday, I was downstairs working when I checked my Instagram feed...and this is what I saw.  My mom was upstairs in my house playing with my kiddos. They love their Lovie!!

And this is what you call a wild Friday night at the Shull house...popcorn with Chutes and Ladders!  (By the way, I won!)

And did you see Bar #1 yesterday?!?!  My new series kicked off with to die for Oreo Bars!

And dinner tonight, is Pesto Chicken Stuffed Bell Peppers!

Don't forget to pop over to Due in Time to check out my guest post!

Have a great Monday!

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Find me on Instagram  @mixandmatchmama

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