Friday, November 22, 2013

Kalyn's Kitchen Picks: Cholula Hot Sauce

Cholula Hot Sauce
Cholula Hot Sauce from Mexico is great for adding spicy flavor to Mexican or Tex-Mex dishes!

Since I'm heading to Austin today to eat barbecue and Tex-Mex food (and attend the BlogHer Food 2013 Conference), it seems like an appropriate time to give an official nod to original flavor Cholula Hot Sauce, which my favorite Mexican hot sauce!  (My other hot sauce pick would be Green Tabasco Sauce, which is made in the U.S.)  I'm not sure why I only tried this for the first time a few years ago, but since then Cholula is the sauce I've been using to add spicy flavor to Mexican or Southwestern dishes, and now it's something that's always in my fridge, with an extra bottle in the pantry.  My Costco carries a two-pack of the large 12 ounce bottles, and that's my favorite way to buy it, but if there's not a Costco where you are, a Mexican market is a good place to get this.

Keep reading to see the recipes I've made that use this flavorful sauce.

Click to continue reading

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