Monday, November 18, 2013

Good Morning America, and Other Announcements

1.) The book is completely and totally and officially all done. It will be in stores this coming Tuesday, October 13. If you have pre-ordered from Amazon (and THANK YOU!!! for the pre-orders!) your book will be mailed that day.

2.) I am going to New York, and will be on Good Morning America on Tuesday, October 13. Set your DVRs, email your grandma, and tweet your peeps. I'm trying my hardest to not have an anxiety attack while on camera.

or on the plane.

My mom took me shopping for nice maternity clothes which actually fit, so I'm hoping I look pregnant and not just like a huge swollen blob.

3.) I got my hair done today. It's a bit darker than I've had in quite some time, and I really like it. The kids are weirded out. Adam likes it, but he says that no matter what. I'm quite pleased-- I think it looks fallish.

4.) You may have noticed my new super-awesome header with clickable tabs, thanks to the lovely and talented Jennette Fulda, of Make My Blog Pretty. If you are ever in need of any site design, tweaking, or hand-holding, Jennette is your girl. I can not possibly express how wonderful and responsive she is.
She is also the author of Half Assed, a hysterical weight-loss memoir I read on the plane the last time I went to New York. I was so thankful to have her book to keep my mind off of the turbulence.

I hate turbulence.

eek. Now I've freaked myself out again.

5.) I've gotten a few emails about an icky ad for cutting out belly fat that has been automatically attaching itself to the bottom of the emails that go out through feedburner. I had NO IDEA this was happening, and greatly appreciate the head's up. I've since contacted google and have asked to be opted out of certain campaigns, but it looks like it takes about 24 hours to process these types of requests.

I'm terribly sorry that this happened, and I hate it that anyone has been inadvertently offended.

6.) The $200 gift card give-away is still going strong over at Totally Together Reviews. If you haven't already entered, hop to it!

7.) I am ecstatic that the book is finally here. I've heard several authors liken writing and publishing a book to child birth. I have even joked with friends that sometimes it feels that way. But I've decided it's not the same. It's not even close.

At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is family. So. Hug your kids, call your parents, your grandparents, your sister, and your brother, and remember that all the day-to-day stuff doesn't matter. Family comes first.

and then go set your DVRs. ;-)

xoxo steph

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