Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fifty Two Shades of Shay: Hosting a Kid's Birthday Party

Considering last week all we did was celebrate Kensington turning five, I thought it was an appropriate time to discuss hosting birthday parties!  Just for the record, I usually don't do a birthday week but for some reason this year, it kind of turned into one :).

I love hosting my kiddos' parties and until this year, have kept it just to family (because my family is pretty big).  I'm going to recap my kids' parties for you, give you my best tips and then show you some other friends' parties that are pretty awesome fabulous magnificent completely out of this world!

Kensington's first birthday was pretty basic.  I was very pregnant with Smith, throwing up all day long, headed to Europe two days after her party and wearing braces that made my life even more miserable.  The fact that I even got out of bed on this day is pretty darn impressive.  

Tip: Don't worry about going all out if there are circumstances keeping you down...it doesn't have to be this over-the-top party every year.  Don't kill yourself making it one if you don't have it in you!

Kensington's second birthday was so much fun!  I decided to pay tribute to the wonderful cider mills of Michigan and host brunch at my house with an apple theme.

Tip: Your theme doesn't have to be a "kid" theme.  You can turn anything you love into a fun party for a child...like apple cider :).

Kensington and Lovie shared her third birthday :).  We went to Northern Europe with my kids, parents and grandparents for two weeks leading up to both Kensington and my mom's birthdays (September 12 and September 15).  We actually returned on my mom's birthday...and we were EXHAUSTED!  My mom kept insisting she didn't need a birthday and that we could skip hers.  Yeah right.  My grandmother and I decided to just host one big party together since Lovie and Kensington's birthdays got all tangled up.  About a week after our trip, we had this fun combo party!

Tip: You can combine birthdays!   Don't feel like you have to do separate parties for everyone.

Kensington's Paris Bistro party theme was one of my favorites!  I love all things French, so this was extra fun for me!  We had French inspired food, French music playing, cute little French details...it was c'est bon!

Tip: I found these paper goods at Sur La Table 9 months before Kensington's birthday, and they just inspired me.   I bought them and built the entire party around the plates.  If you find one little piece of inspiration, go for it!  Even if it's 9 months early.

Well, this party was so fun!  I know I just blogged about it yesterday...so, if you need all of the details, click here, but let me tell you, it was FUN!  I can't believe my sweet girl is FIVE!

Tip: Go with the season!  My house is always decorated for fall during Kensington's birthday, so I embraced it as the theme.  Think about the season and go with it!  Plus, for this party, all of the food was made the day before.  On party day, I had very little to do.  Great tip!

Smith's first Par-Tee was a HUGE success!  Our former house was on a golf course and every day, I would collect balls that had been hit in our yard and put them in a bucket.  One day, I looked at all of those golf balls and thought, "what in the world am I going to do with all of these balls???"...and thus, a party idea was born.  Andrea from Slightly Askew Designs (who helps with all of my invitations, banners and food tags), says that after she featured this party idea on her site, it has become one of her most requested.

Tip: Find other people to help you with details you can't or don't have enough time to do (like invitations, banners, food tags and/or decorations).  There are so many wonderfully talented people out there who can make your life so much easier by being the creative force you need.

Smith's Ski Lodge was hands down my favorite party.  Since Smith has a January birthday, I wanted this party to be cold but not Christmas and boy was it fun!  I just really loved this party theme and results!

Tip: Find your inspiration in the season!  Just like Kensington's Pumpkin Patch, this Ski Lodge theme reflects the season which instantly makes everything more festive!

Smith's Surf Shop was based on my experience as a travel agent...in January, everyone wants to head to the beach!   I bought all of the surf decorations when they went on clearance at the end of the summer (you have to plan ahead sometimes!).  This party was so much fun and my guests really took to the surf theme.

Tip: Plan ahead!  By planning ahead, I was able to buy all of my surf-inspired decorations on sale!

Shay's Best Party Tips (for birthdays or any other occasion)
1. Always send out an invitation.  I love sending and receiving invitations in the mail.  I really think it instantly makes your party seem special.

2. Don't make all of your own food.   I wrote about this on Mix and Match Mama last Christmas.  The Barefoot Contessa always says, only make 3 things yourself and then buy the rest.  I love this concept!  The party isn't about how you slaved away making everything by hand...no one cares about that but YOU!  Make a few things and then buy the rest...the party is about everyone having fun, not how much you did yourself.  

3. Give them a little gift to remember the occasion.  I always have a little party favor for my guests.  Even adults like leaving a party with a small gift :).  These gifts don't have to be expensive, just thoughtful.  Guests remember little details like this.

4. Keep something yourself to remember the party by.  For me, I have a sign made for each one of my kids' birthdays.  After their party, I take the sign off the stake and hang it in their room.  You could also frame their invitations, frame a picture from the party...just something to keep out to help you remember the celebration. 

For the rest of my entertaining tips, check out my post here.

And I didn't want to end today's post without showing you three of my friends' awesome party ideas!  I have some creative friends.  (Like out of this world creative!)  I think you will find a lot of inspiration in each one of these posts...prepare yourself for the awesomeness...

My friend Mel from The Larson Lingo just hosted her daughter's 5th birthday...holy moly!  It was a Tangled masterpiece!

You will flip over the details of this party!  Mel is just sooooo creative!

Mandy's Blue Ombre Party over at House of Rose had my brain mixing and matching like crazy!

You could recreate this party in any color!  This party would also be good for kids or adults.  I mean really, Mandy (mom of three boys) totally rocked this boy party in such a sophisticated way!

And finally, one of my besties Andrea has three kids with April birthdays.  Yes, you read that right.  All three of Andrea's children were born in April (1, 16 and 17).  Andrea has mastered the combo birthday party!  This year, she was 9 months pregnant with baby #3 and hosted the cutest pirate party for her two sons...

This was such a fun party!  I always enjoy Andrea's creative twist on birthdays!  This party would be fun with 1 boy or two...such a cute and creative theme!

And finally...
My Everyday Love
...I am guest posting today on Everyday Love about my journey to parenthood.  Click here to check it out!
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my parties!  I would love to hear your creative party theme ideas...leave me a comment and let me know!  Have a great day!

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Find me on Pinterest here.
Find me on Instagram @mixandmatchmama

Dinner tonight is so simple and hearty!  A quick Sausage & Mushroom Rigatoni :).

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