Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fabulous Friday with a Giveaway!!

I don't know about you...but I'm having a fabulous Friday!!  I left this morning for some place special...to see someone I'm in love with...you want to know more?  You better check out my Instagram @mixandmatchmama.

Here are just a few fabulous things from my i-Phone (before we get to the giveaway!)...
I walked by and noticed that Kensington had her ice cream shop all set up complete with one of my ice cream cookbooks and everything :).  She's totally the Mix and Match

Kensington came downstairs so proud of how she had dressed herself.  She might be a future fashion blogger, right??? ;)

A fabulous friend is one who shows up to teach Sunday morning preschool with you and brings you a Pumpkin Spice Latte (to go along with her black tea) and you're both wearing leopard scarves.  I think sweet Andrea is pretty fabulous :).

The weather was gorgeous on Monday, so we met Daddy for an impromptu lunch at the park.  XOXO

And now for the giveaway part...once again, my friends at Lovely Lace Leggings are giving away beautiful lace items to TWO winners!  That's right, not one but two of you will win!

 Look at the lace!  I love!

I'm totally smitten with Lovely Lace Leggings :).

So, here's how it will work...in order to win, you must enter the Rafflecopter below.  Two winners will be chosen at midnight on Friday, October 4 and announced on my blog that morning.  Each winner will be allowed to select one lace item (leggings, body suit, etc.) from their collection.  Simple, right?

And for fun, Lovely Lace Leggings has one more Halloween special going on...every person that submits a picture to them of their sweet kiddo wearing a pair of Lovely Lace Leggings with their Halloween costume, gets their next pair of leggings for only $8!  This contest runs October 1 through November 1.  Add those cute leggings to your girl's costume and send them your picture!

Speaking of Halloween...I have a yummy (and easy) Halloween treat on my foodie blog today...

That's it for today!  I hope you have a fabulous Friday too!!

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