Friday, November 22, 2013

Barcelona & Riviera Cruise: Days 3 & 4

We spent two more full days in Barcelona before heading for the cruise.  On the morning of our first full day, we woke up, ate breakfast in the hotel and headed out for the Picasso Museum. 

On our way there we stopped at a beautiful cathedral for a quick peak inside.

After the cathedral we arrived at the Picasso Museum.  I'm not one for tours...I like to explore on my own.  But that being said, museum tours are really smart, and I am so glad we took one!  We learned so much touring the museum!

After the museum we headed off shopping and walking through Las Ramblas again and the Gothic Quarter.  I might have purchased a few things...

We ended the night at this fabulous Mexican (yes, Mexican) restaurant that Andrew had read about on a travel blog.  It was such a great meal with really good atmosphere!  It's called Cantina Machito for those of you traveling there.

On our last full day in Barcelona, we decided to hit the streets one last time before hitting the beach and pool.

I walked by the bakery window and saw this!  They had mixed and matched this one cake recipe into all of these fun colors!  My foodie brain was spinning...loved this!

We headed back to the hotel and checked out the, fabulous.  It was on the 32nd floor overlooking the beach.  We walked over to the beach and checked it out for a bit but ultimately decided the hotel pool overlooking the beach was the way to go.  It was so nice to just relax and read by the pool instead of what I usually do...just stand there and make sure my kids don't drown.

We cleaned up and finished up our night with dinner.

If you missed Days 1 & 2 click here.  Next up, we board the ship and head to France and Monaco.

And for those of you asking, I will be doing a post that includes the books I read, the clothes I wore, the shoes I walked in and so on.  If you want to know something else, leave me a comment and I'll answer that too.

I have a Peanut Pasta supper over on the foodie blog tonight...

Have a happy day!

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