Monday, November 18, 2013

Andrew Answers Part 2

My sweet hubby answered some more questions for you ladies :).  If you missed his answers from Part 1, click here.

I love this guy!

            1. How do you get such a great complexion?  
In recent years, I have really been working on taking care of my face.  I want to be 65 but look like I am 40.  I know that is not something that most men would admit, but I am comfortable enough with my manhood that I can come out and say that.  I would rather my face not look like an old catcher’s mitt when I hit 40.  I use a ton of moisturizer, my Clarisonic, and get chemical peels every 3 weeks. 

2. As a small business owner, how do you balance home-life with work?  
One of my favorite pastors, Chris Stull, said in a sermon many years ago that in life you are always going to cheat someone.  Whether that is your work, yourself, or your family.  Don’t ever cheat your family.  Success in the business world is never worth failure in the home.  You will never visit someone dying in a hospital bed and ever hear them say, “ I wish I would have spent more time at work.”  They will always say they wish they would have spent more time with their family.  I make sure that I am always home in the evening and if I do have the rare late night appointment, I try to schedule it after they go to bed around 8:00.

3. What’s your all-time favorite thing to do with Shay? 
Since Shay said I couldn't discuss #1, then I would say travel.  I love traveling with Shay because we are two peas in a pod.  We love to walk the streets, shop, and eat wonderful meals.  I have seen so much of the world with her, and I pray that we have a chance to do so much more.

St. Petersburg, Russia

Ghent, Belgium

      4. What’s your favorite KSU memory?  
                        Winning the Big 12 Championship.  I was a captain on the team that year and I am proud to say that when no one gave us a chance to win that game versus an undefeated Oklahoma team dubbed “the mini-NFL team”, we walked out with not only a win, but we took them to the woodshed.

5. What was your first impression of Shay?  
                      She was out of my league.  I knew she was marriage material.  I dated a lot in college but with Shay, we had an instant connection.  We talked in her parents' kitchen for at least an hour when we first met.  She was getting out of a serious relationship (on July 4th), so it wasn’t until school started that we started dating.  I only talked to her once actually between those dates.  I remember telling my best friend Aaron Martin about her and no lie, Aaron said that she was the one I would marry way before we even got serious.

6. Do you manage the family finances?  
             I manage the business and Shay manages the personal.  Running a small business is enough for me to handle.  Running payroll (salaries, hourly raises), taxes, paying bills, etc. keeps me busy.  Bottom line is I trust Shay and quite honestly, I don’t even look at the personal finances. 

       See there was a time before we started our business, where we had no money.  We used all of our savings to buy our home and start our business.  I remember one week after paying the bills, we had to make it two weeks with just $100.  I remember we ate peanut butter and jelly for a whole two weeks and snuck over to Jay and Sherry’s for a few dinners.  We always had a rule back then.  Anything over $10 and we had to ask the other for permission.  Praise the Lord that he has blessed us where this is not the case, but really any purchase I make to this day, I still run by her and she with me.  We have one account for business and one for personal.  It’s our money, not mine or hers.  We are in this together.  Money has never been a sticking point in our relationship.  We very, very rarely ever argue about money.  We trust each other.

7. What do you do to bond with your son?  
         Anything.  I can take him to run errands, and we have the best time.  Someday when he is older, we will be able to bond over KSU football, the Yankees, and the Cowboys.  For now, I am content with bike rides and bedtime stories.

     8. What is your favorite dinner and dessert that Shay cooks?  
           Meatloaf and mashed potatoes and her bananaless banana pudding (which is banana pudding without any bananas) or red velvet bundt cake.

      9. How do you think they should pick the 4 teams for the BCS playoffs next year?  
            Top 4 BCS teams are in.  Eventually they need to expand this to 8 teams.  Here is the thing: they can say that players like bowl preparation and having 4 weeks from the last game to the BCS game, but that is crap.  I would have much rather stayed in a groove and played in playoff games.  Bowl prep was a beating and it was long.  They need to get rid of the NCAA, start the 4 major conferences, have them expand and then start the 8 team playoff system.  It will happen, mark my words.

            10.       What did you learn growing up on a farm?   
     Hard work.  While everyone else was out by the pool during the summer, I was making hay.  When it was 105 degrees outside, in a barn it was about 130.  When it was the dead of winter and all you wanted to do was stay inside and eat ho-hos, I was out after school/practice feeding the cattle.  I also learned how to appreciate the outdoors.  Being in McKinney, there isn't much opportunity to hunt and fish, in Missouri you can walk out my parents' backdoor and get all you want.

  11.        What do you consider your greatest success?  
         Maybe it is the unsatisfied athlete in me, but I don’t feel like my greatest success has happened yet.  I just don’t quite feel like I have “arrived” so to speak.  I have had some victories for sure, but the success I want my life to be built on isn’t of this world.  In the end, who cares how much money you have, how successful your business is, the size of your home, the kind of car you drive.  Not me.

    12What has brought you the most joy in your life?  
                    My kids.  Being a dad is the coolest thing EVER!  I feel so blessed that God has given such a wonderful gift.

13. What is your all-time favorite vacation spot?  
Any place in Europe, although I am partial to London.

London 2006

London 2011

14.   What is your best piece of small business advice?  
              There are a couple of key elements I believe you must have to operate a small business.  First and foremost, you have to be a self-starter/self-motivator.  If someone is always having to push you, then don’t even think about it.  Another key element is hard work and the expectation that you are never “off the clock”.  If it were easy everyone would do it.  But unlike most jobs that end at 5, my job is around the clock.  Of course I could shut down at 5 and never look back, but in today’s society you have to make yourself available at all times.  Not to mention when you own a small business a small piece of you is always still in the office.  Now the best thing about a small business is that you control your income and vacation time.  Plus, no one is ever going to tell you what to do.  You want a raise, go out and work a little harder.  A small business is a lot of work, but most things in life that are worthwhile are.

15. What was your childhood like?  
            I grew up on a farm and spent every waking moment outdoors and playing sports.  We had 3 television stations growing up and didn't have much entertainment.

The Shull's farm in Missouri

16. Are you happy with 2 kids or would you like more? 
I am up for whatever God wants!

17. Do you follow a specific Bible study when you do your quiet time?  
               I do a couple of different things.  I like to start with the Jesus Calling app, go straight to the corresponding Proverb for the day.  Then I head straight to  This is the greatest collection of sermons, bible studies, topical studies, Greek/Hebrew studies ever.  Sermons from everywhere, verse by verse commentary.  Check it out!
        18. Were you raised in a Christian Family?  When did you become a Christian?  How do you and Shay tell your children of God’s love and lead/guide them in their spiritual growth, in addition to church/Sunday School?  
      I was blessed enough to say that I was raised in a Christian home.  If on Sunday we weren't at church, something was wrong.  I accepted Christ on February 18th, 1989.  I was a 7 year old, but to this day I can remember how I felt and what happened.  

  I have no doubt that I was saved that day.  My faith over the past 32 years has grown like a tree.  In some seasons it grows more, and in others, not as much.  I recently read a book called Not a Fan.  Our Bible fellowship group is still in the process of studying it.  I wish I would have read a book like this, or another book called Radical, when I was in Junior high.  

In the most recent book Not a Fan, it asks the question, are you a fan or a follower of Jesus?   READ THIS BOOK.  If you don’t have the money email Shay and we will find a copy to send to you.  

    With Kensington and Smith, we talk about Jesus all the time.  I know it's a crazy concept for small kids, but we constantly talk about God.  We tell Bible stories before bed (seems like David & Goliath and Moses are the most requested).  We pray, we ask them to tell us about Jesus.  Even though Smith and Kensington can tell you who Jesus is and that he died on the cross for our sins, we still know that they aren't quite aware of their surroundings so to speak.  In the meantime, we will keep singing, praying and talking.  The other night, I was lying in bed with a headache and Kensington climbed into bed, laid her hands on my head and said daddy I will pray for you.  She said, "Jesus I ask that you make my daddy feel better, Amen".  I have no doubt that God hears every prayer of every believer, but that one had to have made him smile.

                Thank you to Shay for letting me guest post.  I hope I didn't disappoint.  Thank you for loving Shay and seeing why, after 10 years, I am still smitten for her.  

You can find Andrew on Instagram and Twitter @AndrewShull.  You can also find him on my family room sofa every night watching Real Housewives of Something with me and eating a brownie.  He might have a super, super healthy diet but every night, he indulges in a good trashy reality TV show and a little piece of dessert.  Life is just too short not to.

Look what's in the slow cooker today on my foodie blog...

Overnight Oatmeal!  Your breakfast will be waiting on you when you wake up. :)

And don't forget to enter to win my grand prize in my Stella & Dot giveaway!  It's going on right now!!

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