Saturday, November 23, 2013

What I've Been Up To

I'm here! I'm alive!

I've gotten a few emails asking if I'm okay.
I am, and the idea that there are REAL people out there who worry and care about me is totally freaky and extraordinarily neat (yes, neat. I thought for a full 4 seconds on what adjective to use here, and I chose neat. all on my own. I need to stop watching Silver Spoons reruns on Nick at Night).

I'm working on the slow cooker manuscript---I've got the copy edits back and I'm working my way through them----it's due back in a few days, so I'm feeling kind of scatter-brained. It's a little disheartening to get a pile of papers back with red writing scrawled everywhere, but I've been told that it's all good, and most of the red stuff is not for me, but for the graphics people.

We have a finalized name, now, too! Make it Fast, Cook it Slow: The Big Book of Everday Slow Cooking. I like the name a lot.
This is my living room. And since I like keeping it real and all, there's the laundry that I should have put away, but instead I'm hoping magical elves will come do it for me. I'm not following my own list of chores.


The slow cookers are nestled under the kitchen countertop, and they are currently empty. I have not planned anything for dinner. which means I've again not followed my own advice.

~~double sigh~~

We're probably going to have leftover baked bean soup that I made the other day but haven't gotten around to posting.

~~~triple sigh~~~

it tasted pretty good, though. I made it vegetarian. It could have used some bacon, probably.

or maybe Adam will pick up Taco Bell. Adam?

I'm still weighing heavily
on this sadness.

and that's about it.

Thank you so much YET AGAIN for all of your complete and utter awesomeness.

and patience.

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