Monday, November 4, 2013

Ten Favorite Deliciously Healthy Salads that are Perfect for Thanksgiving

favorite salads  for Thanksgiving
All these deliciously healthy favorite salads would be perfect for Thanksgiving!

The annual food lover's countdown to Thanksgiving has officially begun!  I know there are people who would be happy with just turkey, stuffing, rolls, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie every year for Thanksgiving dinner, but those people are probably not reading food blogs.  For those of you who love to try just one or two interesting new dishes every year, I've started sharing Thanksgiving suggestions on Facebook (are you following me there?)  I think every Thanksgiving dinner needs a special salad that's just a little bit unusual, so here are ten of my favorites.  (And if you're really in the mood to start planning the menu, take a look at all the Thanksgiving Recipes.)

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