Sunday, November 10, 2013


If you've been following along on Instagram, then you know that last week was one of the longest, most uncomfortable, frustrating weeks of my life.

We had a rat infestation. 

I talked about it briefly last week on my #shayeveryday2013 post, but I thought there was no better way to start a Monday than to rehash it just a bit (it's therapeutic for me) and then hopefully, I'll never have to say the word rat again.

And seriously, I'll never be able to watch one of my favorite Disney movies ever again either.  Ratatouille is no longer cute in my eyes.

I started doing my #shayeveryday2013 pics on January 1st of this year because 13 is my very favorite number, and I just knew this year was going to be special (so, why not document every single day!).

Would I always remember this as the year Sean was the Bachelor?  Would I remember this as the year we built our new home?  Would I remember this as the year we focused on adopting Ashby?

Heck no!  
I'm going to remember this as the year stupid rats invaded my rent house and nearly sent me to the loony bin!

So, this is what happened, and hopefully, if you're ever in a similar situation (God bless your soul), you can learn from our week...

Last Saturday night, as we drove up into the rent house driveway from Oktoberfest, I actually said to Andrew that I loved our rent house so much that I would miss it when we move out.  It really does feel like home now and we're really happy in our cozy rent house.  (That people, is called irony.)

Little did I know, the big cold front that was blowing in at that very second was sending rats from the gorgeous creek and wooded trails right behind our rent house into our house.


At this point, I'd be happy to burn this joint down and walk away.

So, I've told you this already, but on Monday morning, a rat ran out from underneath our couch...that the kids were sitting on.  I about died.

And therefore, I spent the entire week, walking around my house in shoes...

...I didn't want to accidentally step on or kick a rat as I walked around (bless my heart!).

 By Tuesday, the rats were in our walls and attic (and I found our kitchen pantry had been attacked because my food had been gotten into and rat poop was all are dying, right?!?!).
So, at this point, I decided living in my car was the best option. 

Because life was pretty darn miserable (and Andrew didn't want us living in our car), we formed an attack plan...and I think it worked!

First, we set traps up all over our house and attic.  Dozens of them.

Second, we lined the perimeter of our house with rat poison and cages.

Third, we placed cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil all over our house (under beds and furniture, in the pantry, in the attic, in the garage, in cabinets...everywhere!).  Rats absolutely hate the smell of peppermint and flee from it.

During the day, we couldn't hear or see anything.  But at night, the rats were living in the wall upstairs behind my headboard.  Yes, you try sleeping with rats have a big old party in the wall behind your head!  It was miserable and Andrew and I didn't really sleep all week.

On Thursday night, we said screw's a rent house and who cares if we don't get our deposit back...we have to ATTACK!

This is me and the kiddos hiding on the bed while Andrew drilled little holes in our bedroom wall and shot peppermint oil up and down the walls (desperate times call for desperate measures!).

On Thursday night, we didn't hear a single thing!  The rats had left our bedroom walls!  Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord!  But then it happened...

I walked downstairs at 4:30 the next morning to get my coffee and start by day.  I walked into my office and I COULD HEAR THEM IN MY OFFICE WALLS!  

(This is where I totally flipped out and I'm pretty sure Andrew thought he might have to sedate me.)

Now, not only was I not going to be able to sleep, I couldn't work because there were rats in the walls behind my desk!

Andrew (being the awesome husband that he is!) started drilling holes in my office and in the dining room walls and once again, shot peppermint oil up there.

And now, I think they're gone.

Please Lord, let them be gone.

I asked my next door neighbor (who has lived on our street for years) if he had ever had a rat problem and he said, "No, I keep rat poison around my house all year long to keep them away.  That creek is full of rats."  Thanks so much for the warning.  That information would have been handy 6 months ago when we moved in.

So, what lessons have we learned from this?

1. Andrew should have been in the military.  That man can track down and dominate like a Navy Seal!

2. It's possible for me to blog and plan trips to Walt Disney World while listening to rats run around in my walls.

3. My kids totally don't care about rats being in our house.  They were pretty "whatever" about the entire thing.

4. I am ready to live in our new house.  Like today.  Like right now.

5. We are going to be proactive now and always keep rat poison around any home where we live.  Better safe than rat infested is my new motto.

6. We are getting a cat for the new house.  We've already decided to name it Lady Scones :).

7. Some of you shared your stories with me...and some of you have had snake infestations.  That would seriously kill me.  Dead.  You win.

That's all people!  No more rat talk.  Ever.  (I pray!!!!!!) 

And one more BIG thing for your Monday...

Pinterest Told Me To is Working It today!  I know so many of you ladies work in an office that doesn't allow the usual jeans and, Sheaffer is showing you how to work it at work.  Such a great idea!

Don't forget Meal Planning Monday today!

Have a great day!

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