Saturday, November 16, 2013

Labor Day in Missouri

We left Thursday night and spent the weekend in Andrew's hometown of Joplin, Missouri.  I tried to come up with a few catchy titles for today's post...Carb Fest 2013 came to mind, as well as The Weekend I Ate My Weight in Tortilla Chips or possibly That Time We Stayed in our PJs until 1:00 PM...but I settled on Labor Day in Missouri instead.

The kids had Meet the Teacher Night at School, so we didn't leave our house until 7:00 PM which got us to Missouri at 1:30 AM.  Yikes!  We were TIRED!

My sweet girl heading out for her long car trip.

Smith sang his guts out as he watched his Avenger movie.  Apparently, there is an Avenger theme song and this boy knows all the lyrics!

We woke up and headed to our favorite store/lunch spot Sandstone Gardens.  We had a yummy lunch and then bought a few things for the new house.

PawPaw and Smith were being silly smelling the fancy soaps.

This kid loves flowers!  She is my flower child!

After lunch, we headed to one of my favorite Joplin spots, this fun old-fashioned candy house!

Of course I bought toffee!  Did you read Bar #2 yesterday?  I am a toffee obsessed girl!

We had Mexican food for dinner and headed to see the Webb City Cardinals play their first football game of the season (Andrew's high school).

It was warm in the stands but we had fun!

This picture sums up the evening...lots of people, lots of pizza, and lots of Gatorade.

He had so much fun watching the game!

The next morning, we stayed in our pjs around the Shull farm until 1:00.  I read 3 magazines and pinned a ton of new fall things on Pinterest.  Then Kensington brought over my i-Pad with the Christmas music app blaring because she said she thought a little Christmas music would make my reading more enjoyable.  And you know what...she was right :).

We headed into town and looked around the mall.  Being the fun grandma that she is, Cheryll rented one of these shopping carts for Smith.

I love my girl!

Fun times at the Joplin Mall

And then I ended my night watching college football and eating a peanut butter brownie.  So wonderful!

We drove home yesterday and the kids didn't sleep one wink.  They were so great in the car just watching movies and talking.  But at 7:00 pm, Smith asked for a hot dog, and then I found him like this...sound asleep.  His fun weekend wore him out!

Sweet girl was tired too!

Thanks Steve and Cheryll!  We had a great Labor Day Weekend with you!

OK people...get excited!!!  I have two fun things to tell you this Monday!!


starts TODAY!  I have your suggested menu for the week up and ready over on my foodie blog!  I'm trying to simplify your life a little bit.  Click here to check it out!

And second, my friend the Workout Mama is giving away one free online bootcamp spot!  I've signed up for this and you should too!  She'll help motivate you and give you a suggested workout plan (that doesn't require a gym or fancy equipment) to get you ready for the holiday season.

Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have a great Labor Day!

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