Monday, November 11, 2013

I heart MB

If you've read this blog more than once, you know a few things about me.  One, I love Jesus.  Two, I love coffee.  Three, I have a borderline unhealthy obsession with the holidays.  Four, I wear short shorts and tall shoes.  And five (and only second to me loving Jesus), I am madly in love with Michael Buble.  And I make no apologies for it.

I started listening to him over 10 years ago when he wasn't even really on anyone's radar and haven't stopped since.  When we went to his first concert together, I'm pretty sure Andrew wasn't sure what he was getting himself into...but now, I can pretty much say Andrew is in love with him too.  (Which is a good thing because one time, Buble grabbed my hand at a concert and I often insist mean from the bottom of my heart joke that that was the best day of my life.)

The last time Buble had an American tour was 3 years ago.  Andrew and I decided that from that point on, we would start seeing his shows in other cities for fun.  On the last tour, we saw him in Vegas (so fun!) and on this tour, we saw him last Sunday in New York City.  Buble plus honestly does not get better than that!

At the airport with my Pumpkin Spice Latte about to head to NYC!

Time Square

Since this wasn't our first trip to NYC, we stayed away from some of the main tourist attractions (Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, etc) and just really soaked in the city.  We walked EVERYWHERE!  And of course, we stopped off at some quintessential NYC spots.

We walked from our hotel in mid-town up to the Upper East Side first thing.  Here we are crossing through Rockefeller Center to get where we were going.

As we passed FAO Schwartz, we decided to stop in and get the kiddos something special.  Smith got this cave full of dinosaurs (he loves dinosaurs and any kind of bag you can carry them in).

We brought Kensington home two little puppies :).

Believe it or not but neither one of us had ever been to Serendipity, so we stopped by for a yummy Frozen Hot Chocolate (their specialty!). 

We kind of liked it...

On our way back to 5th Avenue, we stopped by Dylan's Candy Bar to get a few treats for the kiddos.  (If you don't know, her dad is Ralph Lauren and she's the queen of candy!)

We sat in Central Park for a bit and just soaked up the gorgeous weather and did a little people-watching.

Then we went back to our hotel room and got ready for dinner and our show.  We stayed at the Marriott Marquis and our room looked down over Time Square.  It was perfect!

Before we left, we asked some of our actual New Yorker friends for their favorite places to eat...and boy did that pay off!  For dinner on this night, we ate at the Strip House in mid-town.  It was unbelievable!  And for our Broadway show, we went to see Zack Levi in First Date.  I'm not just saying this...but this might be my favorite Broadway musical to date.  It was funny, charming, witty, sweet and only an hour and a half...all great qualities about a NYC show!

On Saturday morning, we set off on foot to explore the south side of Manhattan.  First stop, Andrew bought some Yankee  (Good thing he's so cute in that ugly Yankees jacket!)

We walked down to Chelsea Market which really excited me!  Food Network films several of their shows here, and I'm always hearing about it.  It did not disappoint!  Gorgeous food, great coffee and I might have eaten two donuts...

For lunch, we walked down to Little Italy and had some yummy pasta!

And I might have located Bethenny Frankel's address and stalked her apartment just a bit...(Beyonce and Jay Z live there too).

And then we headed to SoHo for the best cupcakes I do believe I've ever had!  Georgetown Cupcakes was so good that we went back the next day to have some more!

Andrew had never been inside Macy's on 34th Street which I felt was a, I remedied that and off we went.  I'm pretty sure he was slightly overwhelmed! 

We ended our night by going through a great street fair up 6th Avenue and having a yummy dinner.

Again, thanks to the awesome recommendation from a NYC friend of ours, we ate brunch at Isabella's on Sunday morning on the Upper West Side.  Holy yum!

I love, love, love the Upper West Side.  We walked through some really neat antique stores, had Starbucks, walked to Riverside Park...really took it in.

For lunch, we ate at George Keeley's Pub and watched a little Sunday football :).

And then, we set off over the Brooklyn Bridge for Michael Buble's concert.  Neither one of us had ever walked the bridge to Brooklyn before and we are so happy we did it this trip!  Such a fun experience!

A panoramic picture from the middle of the bridge.

Sweet Ashley Spivey told us to eat dinner at Julianna's in Brooklyn Heights...and it's probably the best advice she has ever given!

Yummy pizza and cannolis were the perfect way to gear us up for...

 Michael Buble's concert :).

What?  Don't you have a closet full of Buble tees?  I sure do!  We loved the Barclays Center and love, love, loved our seats (pretty darn close to Mr. Buble!).

 Only at a Buble concert do hearts rain down on you :).  Such a fun night!!

And then on Monday morning, I was getting ready for the airport when I heard cheers from below.  I looked at my TV and was watching Good Morning America...and then I looked below...

...and saw them out of my hotel room.  A fun way to end our trip :).

If you want to know what I'm wearing or what shoes I have on during this trip, be sure to check out Shay's Closet.  That's where you'll find everything.

And over at the foodie blog today...Pumpkin Butterscotch Dip.  Yummy!

And today is the last day to enter my Lovely Lace Leggings giveaway!

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