Friday, November 15, 2013

First Day of School

Yesterday was my kiddos first day of school.  Kensington started Pre-K and Smith started another year of preschool.  They were both excited but this mama was a little sad.  I love having my kids home during the day.  Even though they're only in school a few days a week, I miss them.  Next year, Kindergarten...and I'll be a sobbing mess!
My sweet girl :)

I love this boy so much!

Off we went to school!

We pulled up at the same time as Erika and her kiddos.  These four are growing up so fast!  It just seems like yesterday that Erika and I were lamenting over not being able to get pregnant.  My how things have changed :).

After school, we went to Party City to buy stuff for Kensington's birthday parties (yes, she gets two this year...a friend party and a family party...we'll see how this goes!).  When I turned around, both kids had on hats :).

They had a great day at school and were super sweet while we ran two errands.

While at Target, I saw this.  Seriously, the phrase "Praise the Lord" came out of my mouth.  Pumpkin Spice, Vanilla Heat, and Spiced Latte were on the shelves.  I bought all three...I'll keep you posted on what I think!

And today, we have a winner for the Workout Mama's online bootcamp!  

Congratulations to Julie LoPiccolo!! 

Tamara from the Workout Mama will be emailing you today to get you all signed up. 

 And if you still want to participate, tomorrow is the last day to register.  Click here for more details!

And for a fun after school snack for your crew, why don't you try my Maple and Oatmeal Baked Apples...

They would make a fantastic breakfast too!

Have a wonderful day!

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Find me on Instagram  @mixandmatchmama

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