Sunday, November 10, 2013

Fifty Two Shades of Shay: Grocery Shopping

Today, the foodie mom in me is taking over and we're talking about grocery shopping.  Grocery shopping is one of those tasks and chores that you either love or hate.  It's also one of those tasks that is simply unavoidable. 

Even celebrities must grocery shop!

 I don't think I'm going to offer you any ground breaking advice here...but this is 52 Shades of Shay and grocery shopping is a HUGE part of my life!  

First, some facts:

1. We spend about $250 a week on groceries.  That is typically for 5 dinners, 2 Mix and Match Mama desserts, all of our lunch and breakfasts items, and non-food items (laundry detergent, light bulbs, etc.).

2. I do one big shopping day a week (on Tuesdays) and then probably go once or twice more to pick up something fresh or something little.

3. I shop at Market Street on my big shopping day and then might pick up something small at Target or some place else later in the week but my big shopping takes place at Market Street.  (And Market Street is just the name of my local grocery's not fancy or a super store like Target or Walmart.)

4. I stopped using coupons when I was pregnant with Smith because I realized that I was spending too much money on things I didn't need just because I had a coupon.  For my family, most food we need is not coupon food (fresh produce, meat, dairy is what I try to buy and coupon food is usually boxed items).  The items I'm looking for are typically marked down in-store.  Coupons are great if they're applicable to your family's needs but I ended up with a pantry full of things we weren't going to eat...but we had them just because I had used a coupon.  That's not very savvy.

5. I write out my list every Sunday afternoon.  Then on Monday, I double check everything once more and am ready to shop on Tuesday.

6. I've mentioned before that Andrew eats 2 dozen egg whites a day and 2 chicken breasts.  I do not buy these items for him.  If he wants to eat that kind of crazy diet that involves carefully purchasing 14 dozen eggs a week, that's on him :).  He shops for those items on Saturday mornings with Smith.  In all seriousness, the people at my grocery store refer to me as the wife of the egg guy.  No joke.  Anyway...those items cost about $80 a week and he eats every bit of it.  Gag.

My List:

I'm going to be really honest with you right mother and I are so much alike in so many ways.  Ask my father, we pretty much share a brain when it comes to 99% of topics...but list making and organizing are simply not one of them.  Unless she's planning a big holiday or party, my mom just shops without a list and always comes home with what she needs.  Not me.  I must have a list.  I never, ever, ever shop without one!  Even if I'm only buying 4 things, I write those 4 items down on a sticky note and take it in the store with me.  To me, lists make your shopping faster and so much more efficient! 

Now, my lists aren't fancy or anything...when I went shopping last week, I photographed my actual list for you to see...

This is me in the car about to head inside the grocery store.  

At the top of my list are the days of the week and what we'll be having for dinner (look at you guys getting a sneak peak of what's to come on Mix and Match Mama!), and I also have a special spot for my Mix and Match Mama dessert too.

Next, I write down everything I need in each department of the store.  This is my BIGGEST time saver!  I always start in the produce department and finish in dairy, so as you can see, my list follows.  This guarantees that I don't do any backtracking.

You'll notice that a few things are already marked off...that's because I first wrote out my list, and then, I went in my kitchen and checked everything.  Some items I already had, so I was able to mark them off before I left the house.  There is no sense in buying extra!

I know what you're thinking?  This doesn't look like a lot of food for 5 dinners, 3 desserts, lunches and breakfasts...but it really is.  So many items, we have stocked at home and I don't have to buy them every week (peanut butter, jelly, a variety of cereal, hummus, Tide, etc.).  I don't have a lot of pantry space, so I really, really try and keep things streamlined.  This honestly was my list for all of that food :).

And here I am at the end of my shopping trip!  You'll notice that I did add the new whole grain Premium Round Crakers into my cart...they looked interesting, so I bought a box (and they are really yummy!).

So, that's it!  I write out my menu, I write down my list, I double check my pantry and fridge to make sure I don't over-stock, I shop, checkout, go home, unpack, and cook, cook, cook :).

Now my friend Jen posted last week about how she grocery shops and I really thought she had some great ideas too!  (Her lists are more fun and creative than mine!).  Click here to see how she grocery shops.

And did you see that one recipe I had on my list???  Cookie Dough S'mores?! Yeah.  You need to see these babies...

Three simple ingredients and a whole lot of happiness!

Next week, Fifty Two Shades of Shay is all about the Slow Cooker (next to the coffee pot, there is no better kitchen appliance!).

Have a great day everyone!

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