Saturday, November 2, 2013

Black Beans with Cilantro Slow Cooker Recipe

Happy 24th day of Crocktober! I'm a bit late with this morning's post---I slept in! We've got stormy weather all day today, a great day to stay inside with a nice bowl of beans.
and fold laundry.

and find all the little sprinkle candy pieces from the "almost" slumber party we had Friday night. The kids decorated their own cupcakes, which means that the sprinkles decorated the floor! 


This recipe comes straight from my friend, Kalyn Denny's site, and out of respect, I am not going to type it up here. You're going to have to click over to her Kalyn's Kitchen site for the ingredients and directions. Kalyn's recipes are all South Beach Diet-friendly, and after eating a few too many cupcakes, I really should dig through her archives for more great meals.

I will give you a verdict, however:

The Verdict.

This is my absolute favorite way to have black beans. Kalyn has perfected this recipe---there's no need to add any additional flavor or spices, it's just perfect. My kids do pick out the "green stuff," but that's not a problem to me. They also really like to munch on the beans cold the next day as an afternoon snack. The baby is now (9! months) and happily sits in her highchair munching on Kalyn's black beans.


other beany recipes you should make. for your heart.

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