Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Barcelona & Riviera Cruise: Days 10, 11 & 12

I'm wrapping up our wonderful vacation today!  Just a few more pictures for you...and make sure you scroll down to the bottom for one last piece of info!

Day 10 started with our port in beautiful Mallorca, Spain!  I really didn't have any expectations for this port but it turned out to be one of my favorites.  We had the very best day here!  (Even with Andrew and his elephant leg!)

The architecture was beautiful, the city was really nice, the people were friendly...we had more than enough to do at this port.  And because I obviously don't pull my camera out enough when the kids aren't around, I google imaged a few pics for you to go with our selfies (note to self, even without kids, I need to take more pics!).

It was hot, he was hobbling a bit, but we had the very best time!

The streets are narrow and wind around with little steps (very reminiscent of Venice).  We stopped at this little restaurant for some yummy lunch.  We spent the entire day at this port and didn't get back on the ship until evening.  It was a really, really good that I might come back to and stay for several days.

That night, we stayed up until 10:30 (which is the middle of the night in my book!) for the Dessert Extravaganza on the ship!  It was so much fun!

Towers of donut holes dripping in chocolate!

So much sugar, we can't contain ourselves!!

After we awoke from our sugar coma the next morning, we hopped off at our last port, Valencia. 

We walked the streets of Valencia all day and stumbled upon this little antique book shop.  We collect antique books (especially Andrew!), so he was in heaven.

We left with 3 really neat Spanish books.  

After boarding the ship that night to sail back to Barcelona, we had our last dinner on the boat.

And on Day 12 we left Barcelona and made the 24 hour trek back to Dallas.  We had the very best time!  The kiddos were so excited to see us when we landed at DFW!!  We had missed each other so much!  Thank you so much to all 4 grandparents for taking such great care of Kensington and Smith!  They can't stop talking about all the fun they had :).

If you missed the previous post about Days 8 and 9, click here.

Alright...due to high demand, I've asked Andrew to do an Ask Andrew post next Wednesday.  It cracks me up the number of questions I get for Andrew and about Andrew.  The last time I did, Ask Shay, the majority of the questions asked were about Andrew!  You leave him a question in the comment section below, and he'll look through them and get you answers.  

Ask away...his answers will be up next Wednesday, August 14.

(What are the odds that he'll get some questions about his v-neck shirts???)

And check out my yummy breakfast recipe today...

My moist and dense Ultimate Coconut Bread!
So simple and so delicious!

You have two more days to enter a chance to win a pair of Lovely Lace Leggings for the little girl in your life, click here for details.

Have a great day!

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Find me on Instagram  @mixandmatchmama

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