Monday, November 18, 2013

Andrew Answers Part 1

Last week, I gave you the opportunity to ask Andrew some questions (because I get a lot of questions for him) and you did!  There were many questions about his v-necks...but yes, there were some other questions too.  In fact, he had so many questions that I decided to split this up between two and next Wednesday.

Here you go...unedited, unfiltered, this is my hubby of 9.5 years, Andrew...

       1Do you shave your chest?  
     The best money I ever spent was on Laser Hair removal.  Ladies and gentlemen if you have ever thought about it, do it.  It was worth every penny.

     2. Why do you love v-necks so much? 
   I like plain clothes.  Ralph Lauren Polos, V-necks (with no logo),
 Cowboys/Heat/Yankee t-shirts, and Nike dry-fit shirts.
My wardrobe consists of these staples.
I buy for fit.  If a v-neck fits well then I buy like 20 of them in every color.
Remind you of anyone?

Basic Polos found here

Urban Outfitter's Super V here

Urban Outfitter's basic V here

    3.  Do you have your own style or does Shay influence you?  
  Own style, although if Shay told me she didn't like something, I would change it in a heartbeat. 
 Her opinion is big to me!

4.       What do your workouts look like?  
The gym is my sanctuary.  I clear my head and it gets me started for the day. 
 I have had a weight room/conditioning regime consistently since I was 13 years old.  
So for 19 years of my life, it has been a daily activity.  That doesn't mean it is 
always easy, but I am a true believer that you can create positive habits in your life.  
I can honestly say that in the past 5 years, unless it I was on vacation or sick, 
I was in the gym at least 5-6 times a week.  

Now here is the kicker.  The way you look is not determined by your habits at the gym, but 
mainly by your nutrition.  80% of the way you look right now is based on what you eat. 
 I eat 7 meals a day consisting of chicken, fish, 24 egg whites, turkey, and limited complex carbs.  
Do I want to be a body builder? Absolutely not. 
 My goal is to have a fitness physique, maintain my health, and relieve my stress.  
I believe God has called us to take care of our bodies and therefore I honor God 
when I take care of the body he has given me.  
It’s not easy or everyone would do it, but as Proverbs 13:4 says, 
Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper and be satisfied.  
As far as my workout goes, I never stop moving.  
For those who go to the gym to socialize, talk on the phone, or stretch for 30 minutes, 
please don’t complain that you are out of shape.  I see so many people that waste time.  
My workout partner Ty and I will super set exercises, run circuits, life heavy sets, 
and mix cardio in every day.  We never do the same exercise twice, 
and we constantly mix up the reps and speed.  Always keep your body guessing and push yourself.  
Definition of insanity anyone?  Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

5.       Where is your vacation bag from? 
I bought it at the buckle years and years ago.

Similar bag found here.

6.       What is the key to a happy marriage (especially when you get married young)?
         Never give up on your spouse.  You will have disagreements, fights, good times,
bad times, and moments when you can’t imagine what you would have done
without the other person.  Marriage is not a 5 year or 10 year commitment; it is a lifetime,
death till we part, commitment.  It isn't a we’ll stay together until I find something better,
or I will stay with you as long as this doesn't happen kind of commitment.
Never give up on each other and the commitment you made to God.

7.       What advice do you have for single gals about finding a guy?  
     Go to church.  If you are trying to find your guy in a bar, that is not the guy you want.
There is nothing wrong with joining a singles Bible study, running as fast as you can
towards Jesus and once in a while looking around to see who is doing the same.
 I will tell my daughter the same thing.  In whatever circumstance you are in, be thankful:
 single, divorced, heartbroken, engaged, married, and happy.
This is the verse I am currently living in.
            Nothing happens by chance.  You are where you are
because that is where God wants you.  1 Thessalonians 5:18, "Give thanks to  
God in all circumstances".

8.       How many v-necks do you own and where do you buy them?  
25-30  Urban outfitters (slim fit v-necks)

9.       What are your favorite stores for clothes?  

10.   What is your relationship like with Sean?  
       I have known Sean for 11 years.  I am a true believer that relationships go through seasons.
Sean and I both have a lot going on right now, so in this season,
we are not as close as we have been in the past.
I do expect, once the dust settles, for things to once again be what they once were.

   11.   How do you set goals and accomplish everything you set your mind to?  
      When I was in college, we would watch films of our games and practices,
and we would always focus on the plays in which we made a mistake.
We analyzed what we could have done differently during that practice or game.
That is not to say that the great plays weren't celebrated because they were,
but if all you do is live in the shadow of the positive play how can you ever
expect to gain ground?  I set realistic expectations for myself and for my staff.
We don’t always hit them.  If we do, we celebrate for a brief moment, but then we move on.
If we fail, we learn from what happened and move on to the next.
You’re not going to win them all, but when you stack up all the individual tasks,
you have to be moving in the right direction or you are in trouble.
I have been very blessed with our business.
God put me in the right place at the right time, and quite frankly, some of the decisions
 I made to take action or to delay ended up being a God thing. 

12.   What’s the best piece of business advice you've ever received?
      Consistency.  This was not necessarily a piece of business advice rather football
 advice that applies in the business world.  No matter what happened, Coach Bill
 Snyder was the same.  Win or lose, he was always the same.
We had the same routine, heck, even by my 3rd year in college, I ate the same thing every
 week.  Most people can do a job, task, or exercise program for 3 months,
 6 months or even a year.  The ones who are successful can do it for longer
 periods of time, 5 years, 10 years, forever.  The other never give up.
No matter what happens, always take one more step, make one more phone call,
talk to one more person, until the whistle blows.

The infamous Coach Bill Snyder

13.   Do you still wish you played professional football?  
      Let me think.  Heck no.  I had my time in the sun, but it was a lot of pain and pressure for many years.  In the end, my body just couldn't keep up.  Even now, I can’t even play a
 game of flag football without being able to walk the next day.
Controlled movements, I can do, but anything else kills me.
I try to live my life with no regrets and I had none.  I was able to walk away
 (which my agent and some of my family never understood).  For me it was more important
 to be able to play with my kids later in life.  After 3 surgeries in a year, I was ready
 to hang it up.  I still love and respect the game more than anything.  I have wonderful
memories of everything, but I am not one of those guys that still
 lives wishing he could go back.

   14.   How was it like working with Shay and starting your own business?  How did you not kill each other?  
         When I first started with State Farm, Shay was actually my boss.  I learned so much from
her.  Shay and I work really well together.  We can kind of read each other’s mind,
so when we are doing things, we are very quick and efficient.
This is not to say that sometimes things didn't get tense.  Shay and I we both realize
 that we are not going anywhere.  For us, the big “D” is not an option,
so we have to work things out.  Regardless of what has been said or done,
at the end of the day I love her and I made a commitment to God.
For those who don’t know me really well, I am someone that if I say I am going to do
something, or make a commitment, I don’t stop until it is accomplished. 

15.   How did you feel about the Bachelorette/Bachelor?  
        First and foremost, the producers and everyone that is in production for the show,
are just the nicest people.  I had such a great experience.  The show, which I have
watched every season, is a TV show.  This is not to say that once in a while you don’t catch
magic in a bottle (Sean and Catherine, Trista and Ryan, Jason and Molly), but a large portion
of the show is to entertain us as viewers.  Everything you see is real, it’s not scripted,
 but there are subtle hints given that might help get topics and conversations started.
In the end, do you really want people sitting around talking about the weather for 3 hours?
 A little gas on the fire never hurt to get it started.  That’s all I am saying.

In Thailand, filming the final of the Bachelor.

 16.   Do you ever tell Shay not to blog about certain things?  
   Nope.  For those who don’t know me, I am an open book.
 You could literally ask me any question and I would tell you my thoughts.  I
 trust Shay 100%, plus she is a brilliant writer.

Thank you so much for all of your questions!  The second half or your questions will post next Wednesday!

If you want to follow Andrew, you can find him on Instagram and Twitter @andrewshull.

And for one of Andrew's absolute favorite need to check out my Butterscotch Monkey Bread this morning (this guy loves butterscotch!)...

And just a few more days left to enter Sheaffer's big birthday giveaway!!


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