Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fabulous Friday!

It's Friday!!  And today is extra fabulous because it's my dad's birthday!  I mean, I know you guys think he's awesome and all because he officiated Sean and Catherine's wedding and everything...
...but honestly, that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface on how cool this guy is!

I'm a total daddy's girl...
...and we kind of like the Boston Red Sox.  Just a little bit.

So, happy birthday Dad!!  See you tonight!  XOXO

Now...on to other Fabulous Friday things...

I have updated the page at the top of the blog called What I'm Wearing!  If you ever want to know what I'm wearing...I often put it there.  Make sure you check back often as I update it!

I have received a gazillion emails and comments over the last two weeks about my mom know, jeans, tees, scarf/jewelry and cute shoes.  Basic stuff that makes you look put together but still chase after kiddos.  Here are the items you have commented on the most...

#1: This military jacket!
You ladies seem to love it as much as I do!  Several of you told me you bought the navy version and just can't stop wearing it!  Yay!!

I have cracked up over the number of emails I have received saying things like "I ordered one and then as soon as it arrived, I ordered five more".  So funny!  I'm so glad we found these sweaters!!

And you also love my layering tanks too!

#3: My leopard flats!
Who knew leopard went with everything?  It really does!  You can chase your kids, run around town and still look cute and put together.  I'm so glad you love these flats as much as I do!

I'm totally sold on these tops!  Love them!

My Hemp Toms were a big topic of conversation!  I'm so glad so many of you agreed with me and said to order a half size down.  If you normally wear an 8, order a 7.5.  The perfect basic Tom for every outfit!

#6: Scarves!
You guys were as excited as I was about these $8 scarves!  I've already worn all 3 of mine!  

And in other Fabulous Friday starts our Spring Break!  Woohoo!  Now, my kiddos only go to preschool but still...we shall celebrate Spring Break next week!  We're already up to no good... we were leaving the gym, they asked if they could be worms on the railing.  Why not?

My girl!

Kensington, Ebby Lee and Molly all showed up to school wearing leopard coats...that's just fabulous!

And some Fabulous Friday snacks I've been enjoying...because every girl needs a good snack come 3:00 pm...

I'm going to go ahead and call these single serve guacamoles life changing.  
Yes.  Life.  Changing.  I find them in the produce department by the dips and such.  Love them!

And you ladies know that I'll eat anything with coconut in it.  Anything.  I love this Chobani Greek Yogurt in the coconut flavor.  Delicious! less than a month, these Shulls are taking off for vacation (woohoo!).  I only need two things...

...some swimsuits...

...and flip flops.

One last bit of Fabulous for this Friday...

Wouldn't these be so cute for St. Patrick's Day?!?!  And they're simple and super yummy too!

Happy Friday everyone!!  Have a great weekend!

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