Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Good Morning America, and other announcements

Set your DVRs! I'm going to be on Good Morning America on Wednesday morning--the 12th (in the 8 o'clock hour).

I still don't know what I'm going to cook.

I think I know what I'm going to wear, but I change my mind from one minute to the next.
(they don't want you to wear white, black, patterns, or anything with a logo. that's kind of most of my wardrobe...)

oh. and there's this:

I hate flying.

HATE flying.

so my mom is going to come along.
to hold my hand.



I've been thinking a lot about this year's New Year's Resolution, and have finally figured out what I want to do. One of the best things about this whole blogging thing is meeting people from all over the country (and world). I've recently figured out how to tape both sides of a Skype phonecall and thought it would be fun to have a WebTV section for interviews with blogging pioneers, entreprenuers, rockstars, and (personal) idols.

I am thinking of two different focuses right now:
Real Moms Making Real Money At Home, (in Their Pajamas), And How You Can Too

and Gluten Free TV

I've already completed one of the interviews, with Kim Demmon, from Today's Creative Blog, but haven't been able to figure out how to compress the video file for uploading.

Here are the interviewees I've already lined up:
(not in order. just how my brain spit them out)

Alisa Fleming, Go Dairy Free (benefits of self-publishing vs. traditional publishing)
Ann-Marie Nichols, This Mama Cooks (internet entrepreneurism)
Jessica, Very Baby (online marketplace)
Jennette Fulda (entrepreneurism, web design, New! book, Chocolate & Vicodin)
Jessica Gottleib (mommy blogging,  internet interaction)

I'm hoping to get everything working by the end of the month and be able to share a new video interview each week throughout the year (fingers crossed). 


I'm giving away TWO BlackBerry Style phones over on Totally Together Reviews. 


Have a fantastic week! I'll see you when I get back from New York (I might take a nap first).

2008 flashback:

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