Saturday, October 26, 2013

Camp Smith

Saturday was Smith's 4th birthday!  (Insert me sobbing here.  He's my baby...I didn't want him to turn four!)  Sigh...but he turned four and there wasn't a thing I could do about it.  This year's theme...Camp Smith!

My 4 year old!  My mom has always called him Big Guy...and now that he's four, I really think he is a big guy!  (And as a side note, my dad calls him Tater Tot...)

I love, love, love my birthday signs!  Every kid has one for the day they were born and then one for each birthday.  I take them off the sticks and hang the signs in their room.  Love this tradition!  I once again asked my sweet sign girl if I could give out her contact info and she politely said no thank you.  She really likes just making a few signs a year for me.  Isn't this one so good?!?!

Perfect weather for a 6 o'clock camp out!

You know how I love a good party favor!  After Christmas, I picked up both the candles and hot chocolate on sale :).

Andrea (of course) did my invites, banner and food labels.  Love, love, love her orange accents...she knew that was Smith's signature color :).

Since we had a camp out, we had a fun s'mores bar!  Different chocolates, different kinds of graham crackers and four different flavors of marshmallows (my favorite is the coconut!).  I've learned that Walmart has the best selection of graham crackers and marshmallows.  We had so much fun making our s'mores!

Smith's invite next to his birth announcement :).

Smith told me over and over again that he wanted chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting.  Done!

This boy loved his camping party outside!  He's pointing his skewer at me in the picture :).

And this girl was totally into the camping theme too!

Inside his tent :)

Kensington was watching Papaw cook her dog...she looks nervous!

We had all of the camp out dogs, turkey dogs, brats, chips, baked beans, trail mix and s'mores.

This was Andrew's kind of party! 

Sweet kids enjoying their camp out!

We came inside to sing to the birthday boy!

Such cute kids!  Nixon came to the camp out and spent the night.  They are so sweet together!

Lots of present opening!

I just love my baby cousin Brooke :)

After everyone left, we bathed the kids and tucked them in.  The boys stayed up a little later watching a movie on the i-Pad.  The perfect way to end Smith's birthday.

We always have such a fun time celebrating their birthdays!  I love this little 4 year old big guy so much!  He's my heart.

For Smith's 1st Par-tee, click here.
For Smith's Ski Lodge, click here.
For Smith's Surf Shop, click here.

And don't's Meal Planning Monday!

Click here for the meal plan!

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