Sunday, October 27, 2013

Shay's Pajama Party: January with Tamara!

I knew when I started my Pajama Parties back in September that I would ask my friend Tamara to be my co-host in January. Why?  Because she's The Workout Mama!

Tis the season for health and fitness, right?  Who better than a mom to inspire us this month at our party?  And this mama not only is personal trainer and yoga instructor, but she's the mom to a one year old with her second baby due this May :).

Aren't they so cute?!

So, here we are...jammies on, sitting by the fire, sipping cocoa, cozy socks on our feet, and of new favorite robe, talking about January.

We're kicking off our slumber party chatting about food (of course!)

What's your favorite thing to make for dinner during the winter time?
Tamara: Turkey Chili
Me: Sausage and Corn Chowder

We both discuss our love of something warm and hearty when it's cold and blustery outside.

What is your favorite dessert on cold nights?
Tamara: Hot Chocolate.  I like to get the kid's size from Starbucks with whipped cream because it's the perfect size and temperature.  (Super good idea!)
Me: Blackberry Cobbler...I love, love, love blackberry cobbler on cold nights.

What is your favorite healthy snack?
Tamara: I just discovered these amazing healthy snack bars!  Like seriously, everyone should go and buy them.  They are so good!  They are called Healthy Warrior Chia Bars.  Buy the coconut flavor because it's the best.  Only 110 calories, 4 grams of sugar, 3 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber.
Me: Almonds

We now discuss how lame my snack sounds and how I need to stock up on her Chia Bars...

After snacking, we discuss working out...after all, she is the Workout Mama!

How many days a week do you work out?
Tamara: 4-5 days a week.  I love variety and include strength training, cardio and yoga as part of my weekly exercise schedule.
Me: 3-4 days a week.  I love going for a short amount of time but killing myself while I'm there.  I prefer boot camp style classes that involve both cardio and strength.  Years ago, I was a long distance runner...but I hung up my running shoes and love classes now.

How long are your workout sessions?
Tamara: Depending on what type of workout I am doing, my sessions will range anywhere from 20 to 60 minutes.
Me: At the most, 60 minutes.  I like to get in and get out.

What is your favorite indoor workout for cold days?
Tamara: I love yoga classes in heated studios when it's chilly outside.  Walking into a warm studio knowing that I'm going to leave sweaty, stretched out and smiling makes yoga a favorite for me.
Me: I love doing MTV's Power Yoga DVD.  I've been doing it for 12 years and it's still my favorite!

As a side note, both of us worked out (and Tamara is currently working out) during our pregnancies.  Obviously, this is a case by case situation depending on your pregnancy, but I know for me personally, working out while pregnant made me feel productive if nothing else!

And since it's January...we're talking about our resolutions!

Do you make New Year's Resolutions?
Tamara: I have a few goals this year.  My major goal is to read my entire Bible.  Last year, I read the entire New Testament, Proverbs and Psalm, so I really want to read the whole book in chronological order.  I am doing the Come Drink Live 365 Bible Reading Plan.  My other major goal is to continue to have a healthy pregnancy by working out at least 3-5 days each week and to eat whole, nutritious foods on a daily basis.  I know that by doing this, I will be able to recover quicker from labor/delivery.  I am hoping to have another natural delivery without medication like I did with Caden.

At this point at our pj party, we discuss how when I was pregnant (both times), I threw up multiple times every single day.    Every single day those babies were inside of me.  Up to and including the days they were both born.  Not joking.  It was horrible.  I am still not over it.  Therefore, I only ate whatever sounded good.  For Kensington, that was Pringles and with Smith, Natural Cheetos.  Yes.  Disgusting.  That's all I ate for 18 months total.  Gag.  And then we discuss how I give her props for the no-drug delivery thing...because this mama ended up with two c-sections and found the drugs glorious :).

Shay: This year, I'm trying to be really intentional about spending time with my kids...especially Kensington since she starts kindergarten in the fall.  I'm with them every day, but I want to be really thoughtful about our time together and really build memories for them and me.

What is your favorite workout gear?
Tamara: The majority of my workout gear comes from Lululemon.  I love the studio pants that they make!  As far as shoes go, I really love my Nikes.
Shay: I buy a lot of Athleta gear!  I love their running shorts in particular for my boot camp style classes.  My favorite part is how well they wash and wear over and over again.

I'm pretty obsessed about these new arrivals at Athleta!  Everything you see comes in a wide variety of colors.  They have the entire New Arrivals page color coordinated...genius. Obsessed.

How do you make fitness a priority when you're juggling your busy family?
Tamara: Just like anything, fitness needs to be balanced into your daily life.  Anytime we give something power over ourselves, we become a slave to it.  I like to make sure I know what I'm working towards.  I will set weekly/monthly goals to help create a balanced and happier me.  And for me, getting workouts completed early in the morning are best.  Since I don't make it to the gym as often as I would like, I have several pieces of exercise equipment, DVDs and notebooks filled with workouts.
Shay: I make working out realistic for the season of life that I am in.  When I was married and without kids, I had a lot of free time to train for marathons and attend a wide variety of classes but as soon as I became a mom, I had to tailor my fitness around what was best for that season in life.  If you don't set realistic goals and create a realistic workout schedule for your life, you will always fail.

You know that I have my favorite questions for the end of each PJ Party...I always ask my co-host the same set of are Tamara's answers...

1. What is your favorite cosmetic?
I don't really wear much makeup.  Probably because I am sweaty a good portion of my day.  I do always have some type of lip gloss or lip balm on though.  I really like EOS lip balm in Honeysuckle Honeydew.

2. What is your favorite beauty product?
Can lotion be a beauty product?  I hope so because I love Lush Coco Lotion and slather it all over myself when I get out of the shower.

3. What is your favorite TV show?
I can't get enough of Pretty Little Liars.  That show is so good!  The two shows my husband and I will watch together during the week are Nashville and Chicago Fire.  Josh (her hubby) grew up in Nashville, we both love country music and Josh is a firefighter which makes for a fun night of TV watching!

4. What is your favorite vacation destination?
We don't go on many trips, our budget is pretty tight because we're paying off the last of our credit card debt (we will hopefully have it all paid off next month, woohoo!).  Honestly, my husband is the best and hanging out with him or getting to go to dinner is like a mini-vacation.

5. What is your favorite pair of shoes?

6. What is your favorite nail polish?
I love the nail stickers from Sephora by OPI.  One of the greatest inventions ever!

7. What is your favorite chick-flick movie?
Wild Hearts Can't Be's old but a really sweet movie and stars...

...Jake Ryan from Sixteen Candles.  Still dreamy...

8. What is your favorite book?
I really loved reading the Baxter series by Karen Kingsbury.  They are faith based, have solid family values and great life lessons woven throughout each book.

9. What is your favorite ice cream?
Ben and Jerry's Phish Food

10. Who would star in a movie about your life?
I would love to say myself, because how fun would it be to play yourself?  You would be the perfect person for the role.  But seriously, I think Shay could star as me in a movie.  She is already super talented, runs a travel agency, a cooking and family blog, plus she is a wonderful wife and mama.  I think she could add actress to her list of talents too.

As a side note, I am super flattered that Tamara said that!  I am not sure about my acting abilities though.  However, if...

...was playing Tamara's husband Josh, I'd be an Academy Award winning actress in no time flat!  (I just love me some Jude...)

11. What is your least favorite household chore?
It would be tied between laundry and dishes!

12. What is one quirky fact that most people don't know about you?
My husband and I can be walking throuhg a store and if a song comes on the speakers that we both love, we stop whatever we are doing and have a mini dance party.  Sometimes, we don't even realize we are doing it becuase we are so into the song.  I think it's a family thing because our son loves the music at Baby Gap.

Thank you so much Tamara for putting your pjs on and coming to my pajama party!  I had the best time chit-chatting and getting to know you better.  I love hearing how you kick off your January!

To find Tamara, make sure you check out her blog The Workout Mama and you can also find her here too...

Face Book

And because Tamara is so generous, she is giving away one free entry into her online boot camp class!  I have done two sessions of these online classes and find them so motivational!  The class will begin February 1, so even if you don't win this free session, you should consider joining yourself.  Click here for the details!

On the foodie blog today...Nutella lovers rejoice...'s my Nutella Whoopie Pies.  You're welcome.  Happy Friday!

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