Sunday, October 27, 2013

#shayeveryday2014 Week 1 we are again :).

I'm taking one photo a day, every day, in 2014.  This year has started off pretty great!  Lots of sweet time with my loves...

Day 1: The first day of the year was spent hanging out at home with my little ones all morning.  We love having indoor picnics for lunch...this is us at lunch :).  Later that afternoon, we went to my aunt's house to celebrate my sweet Grandmother's birthday.  She's our New Year's baby!

Day 2: I was looking for Smith and heard all of this commotion in the laundry room.  He had turned off all of the lights and placed two flashlights on the dryer...and was playing his electric guitar in the "spot lights".  Tongue out and fear is that he'll one day be in a Kiss cover band.  I'm not sure I'm made for that!

Day 3: After working out and showering, the kiddos and I had brunch at the gym cafe.  Pancakes are the perfect meal post-workout, right?

Day 4: It was a beautiful Saturday!  We stayed home and enjoyed being outdoors.  The kids are loving their new bikes that Santa brought them.  These are my 3 loves...and Poppy. ;)

Day 5: Lunch after church with my sweeties.  

Day 6: This boy was prepared for the cold day!  It was 12 degrees when we left for the gym!

Day 7: What's better than shopping with my mom?  Shopping with my mom the fancy schmancy interior designer for my new house!  I love spending time with this lady...and I love that after all of these years, I am finally able to really abuse use her professional talents!

I had so much fun sharing 2013 with you!  You can keep up with me every day in 2014 on Instagram @mixandmatchmama or find me here too...

Find me on Twitter here.
Find me on Face Book here.
Find me on Pinterest here
Find me on Instagram here.

And sure had a lot of questions about my boring little A Day in the Life of Shay post yesterday!  Who knew my little Monday could stir so many inquiring minds?!  This Monday, I will go through and answer most of the questions you asked me about that post on my blog as a little Q&A.  Tomorrow...we have a Pajama Party scheduled!

And for dinner tonight?  Soup!  It's January...we should really be eating it every day!

Click here to read about my favorite soups for Winter!

And this morning, I saw that my favorite jeans at Gap now come in a really pretty light pink color (hello spring!) and they're 30% off!

In fact, all regular priced items at Gap are 30% off today!

Have a great day!

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