It's been about 9 months since I've done a Day in the Life of Shay post...and every time I do one, you girls seem to really like them, so I did it on Monday :). Note: This was a very boring, typical, uneventful day. The kind of day I love the most. The kind of day that I will miss so much next year when Kensington is in kindergarten.
Good morning.
Headed to the office (which luckily is just down the hall) to work. First up, publishing my blogs for the day. After that, more work. I try and squeeze in about 2 hours of work each morning.
I know, I know...but I listen to Pandora while I work...and my boyfriend was on this morning. XOXO
So sad! This was also the morning for preschool registration for next fall...and I only registered Smith. (Boohoo!) Kensington will be in kinder...bummed me out.
Spent time with Jesus. Read my Bible, prayed and then read a little of this book. Such a good book!
By 6:45, I was making breakfast. On this morning, I made a Almond Butter and Banana Smoothie. It's one scoop of chocolate Whey protein powder, half a frozen banana, 1/2 cup almond milk, a big scoop of almond butter and lots of ice (right now, my mom is gagging..she prefers Pop Tarts).
Still living in this fabulous robe my Grandmother bought me.
Right at 7:00, Mr. Smith woke up. Love him all day but especially first thing in the morning!
Smith drinking milk and eating Fruit Loops (with his eyes closed).
It was cold this morning..., I lit a fire.
I'm dressed for the gym and wearing my Wellies (changed into my Nikes when I got there).
Poppy only wakes up and comes downstairs when Andrew gets home from the gym. She has nothing to do with me. And I'm fine with that :).
At 7:45, I had to go in and wake up K.
Really, mom? I just woke up.
Mr. Crazy downstairs eating his first dozen egg whites of the day (his second dozen is consumed at 9:15 pm).
I fired a warning shot at Erika :)
We have a rule at our house that on Sunday nights, we pick up everything and put it back in its place. Every night, we clean up but my kids love creating little caves/tent areas and will play in them all, I let them keep that stuff up all week but they know that on Sunday nights, we hit the restart button and everything goes back up. This was Monday morning...doesn't Kensington's room look so nice and clean? Just wait.
Smith was ready to go to the gym!
Kensington...not so much.
OK! I got her dressed and ready to go right at 8:15.
Ahhh...I love my gym. I'm here at 8:35ish three days a week.
On my way to class! (I tried 3 times but this photo wouldn't rotate...sorry!)
Erika and me pre-suffering.
We're smiling now but over the next hour we both felt like throwing up and quitting...this class is hard!
Showered and cleaned up at the gym after class...then headed to get my kiddos!
Check What I'm Wearing for details on my outfit...because I know you will ask! ;) And if you're still looking for a good puffer vest option, I found several here. There are so many cute colors available!
I couldn't find Smith when I went into the play area...he and Nixon were hiding. They didn't want to go home.
After the gym, Narci and I took our kids to mamas wanted some of their Chicken Tortilla Soup on this cold day! I also ate half a chicken and veggie wrap from my gym's cafe (I grabbed one on my way out the door).
I love me some Narci!
After Chick-fil-a, I stopped for some Blonde Roast at Starbucks and we drove to the new house to check on things... I am at the new house! You have to wait until we move in to see!
We were home by 12:30 and the kiddos played until nap time.
Smith showed me how super strong he is.
Lots of playing.
I checked my blogs and published some of your sweet comments :)
Then I went upstairs and found Kensington's "zoo". In only 10 minutes, she had started building her zoo...
...she's explaining the zoo to me...
...such a proud zoo keeper...
...Smith is getting the lowdown on the zoo too...
...and this is why we hit the restart button on Sunday nights. She will play with this "zoo" all week. I promise.
Smith went down for his nap at 1:30. I said, "Smith, show my friends how much you like to nap"...and he posed like this. This kid is an anomaly. I say "go to sleep" and he does. I'm blogging about this in a few weeks :).
After Kensington turned 5, I stopped insisting she have naps every day. Now, she only takes one if she's at all cranky that day (which is about once or twice a week). If not, she can have some crafty time. Today, she was coloring her big wooden doll that Santa brought her.
And I was back in my office working.
She loooooves this stuff! I Santa bought this at Hobby Lobby.
She came in the kitchen to give me a hug :)
Around 3:30, I needed a snack I could munch on while folding laundry...almonds and dates it is!
Laundry, first round.
At 4:30, I sat down by the fire with some tea and my new Vitamix book.
I love a fire!
And then this little one asked me to read to her...I couldn't resist.
Around 4:50, I heard Smith wake up and some commotion in his room. Oh goody...he now has a zoo too.
Andrew was home right after 5:00 :)
And while I made dinner, they played with Legos on the dining room table.
Hamburger Stroganoff was on the menu this night along with a Caesar salad.
And for dessert, the kids wanted peppermint milkshakes.
While I clean up after dinner, Andrew always bathes the kids. Thank you Lord for my sweet husband who bathes my kids every night. Seriously, I thank the Lord for him. I knew bath time was over when Smith started marching around the kitchen all clean and in his jammies.
Andrew left after bath time to watch the National Championship with his friend Ty (who used to play for Auburn), so I told the kids we could watch a movie before bed. They picked Hotel Transylvania...which is really cute!
They boy sitting with his Lego trucks...
...and the girl sitting with her puppy :).
I got their backpacks and Smith's nap mat all ready for their first day back at school the next day (I'm sure going to miss having them home every day like over Christmas break!).
And after I packed up their stuff, I sat down next to Smith to watch the movie too :).
The kids went to bed after the movie...and then it was laundry, part 2.
I took a shower and washed my hair. Andrew would bring home these Gatorade towels when he worked in Detroit and I found them to be perfect for wrapping up my wet hair.
I put my pjs on and watched Fraiser...
...and ate a brownie...because I eat a brownie every night. I have found that I don't crave/want/eat sugary stuff all day if I know there is a brownie waiting for me in the peace and quiet of my home each night. It just never gets old :).
I checked on the kiddos before going to bed myself...
...all cozy in their beds.
And one last picture to show you what time I turned off my phone and went to sleep. (This also tells you a lot about me, right? I like social media, the Bible, baseball, Nordstrom and Starbucks. Seriously...the home page on my phone pretty much sums up my life!)
That was my Monday...boring, uneventful and full of little blessings that I will carry with me always.
**Ashby London update**
I get so many emails and comments about our sweet Ashby. Everyone wants an here you go...I have nothin' new to report. We're in a good spot and the timing is working out beautifully but there isn't anything new that I can share. Thank you so much for keeping her in your prayers! She is already such a loved little girl.
One last thing...don't forget to check out my yummy dinner tonight...'s my Mexican Beef over Cornbread.
Have a great day!
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