Monday, October 28, 2013

Kalyn's Picks for Ten Favorite Phase One Recipes from Other Bloggers for 2013

From all the South Beach Diet Phase One Low-Glycemic Recipes Round-ups I've posted in 2013, these are my Phase One Picks from other blogs!

When fellow Utah blogger Becky from Project Domestication asked if I wanted to join a blogging event sharing favorite recipes from other bloggers, I loved the idea of spotlighting healthy recipes from some of my blogging friends, but I wasn't sure how to narrow down the choices.  Then I had the idea of picking my Ten Favorite Phase One Recipes from Other Bloggers from all the South Beach Diet Phase One Low-Glycemic Recipes Round-ups I've posted during 2013, which Becky said would be fine.  I'm excited to share these healthy recipes from some of my favorite Utah blogging friends to finish out the year; here's wishing all my readers a healthy and happy year in 2014!  

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