Sunday, October 20, 2013

What to Do With Your Turkey Bones and Leftover Meat

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey, what are you doing on the computer on Thanksgiving day anyway.....?

it's okay. I won't tell.

Are you wondering what to do with your leftover turkey meat and the bones? Look no more--I've got you covered!

Here are three completely different but absolutely wonderful soups. I can't decide which one I'm going to do this year, but I'm leaning towards the stew because it's good cold-weather food and it's supposed to rain the next few days.

enjoy your family! and don't pick fights with the crazy uncles...

{PS: click on the words under the pictures--- for some reason Blogger isn't letting me add a URL to the photos today. grrr.}

turkey and wild rice soup

turkey stew

old fashioned chicken turkey and noodle soup

Have an absolutely wonderful day with your family. 

updated, November 28: Happy Cyber Monday! I'm giving away 5 Hamilton Beach Slow Cookers this week! Click on over to my review page for your chance to win! 

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