Friday, October 18, 2013

Spring Breakin' it with Olivia Pope

Happy Tuesday to YOU!  

The kiddos are on Spring Break this week...which doesn't mean much when your kids are 4 and 5...but we're trying to make this week special nonetheless.

We were at the mall with Erika, Narci and Sheaffer the other day looking at watches, when we turned around and saw this...
...who knows how long they had been standing there?  They were the perfect little mannequins.  

And then for the rest of the day, everywhere we went, they turned into mannequins.  Which is an awesome game because it means they're still and quiet :).

Oh brother.

Bowen's face cracks me up!

And look at Ebby Lee's face!  She has that angry model face down pretty perfect!

We loved on Miss G Sunday morning!  Kensington is suddenly all about the babies.  She loves Bowen and Griffin so much!  (Let's also point out that we apparently have too many green and white striped dresses for Kensington...)

Two kids, two bugs, one drink with a straw...crazy kids.

Yesterday was gorgeous!!  We headed to the park with friends for lunch and play time.  What's better than one small child way up high?

Two small children way up high.  These boys.

My parents offered to keep the kids last night which was soooooo sweet of them!  What exciting and fun things did Andrew Shull and I do without kiddos to care for...
...we had a Scandal watching marathon in our sweats.  Because that's what true love is after 10 years of marriage.  I love Olivia Pope.  I love this show.  It was like the perfect evening.

And then around friend Brooke texted me with some unhappy thoughts on the Bachelor finale (which was on my DVR), so Andrew and I stayed up even later than normal to see what kind of trouble that Juan Pablo had gotten himself into...let's just say, I'm anxious for Sheaffer's recap this week.  Quite anxious.

And for fun this week, you should treat your kiddos to my St. Patrick's Day Pancakes!

My kids loved these!

And this morning, Erika did her weekly Tuesday Top Three...

...and to my surprise, it was her top 3 favorite Mix and Match Mama recipes!  Thanks Erika!!

Have a great day everyone!!!

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